I believe God created the Universe and all that is in it in spectacular fashion. I do not know how long one of God's days are, but we could still be in the 6th day of creation as he molds us into his image. We are intelligent and creative souls with a thirst for knowledge. If our perfect God accurately anticipated the efforts and ends we would go to understand all that we can, he has anticipated our exploration and provided for our thirst.
I do not believe humans will ever find the answer to the question, "Where did matter originate that once started the cosmic chaos?" I believe God has built in a limit to our knowledge in order to always provide us with the opportunity to have faith.
And speaking of faith, I have no reason to believe God would tell us how it all began in Genesis and how He created man and yet not really mean exactly what He said. In other words I have faith that He's powerful enough to get His message to us, and indeed tell us that message exactly as He intended.
It wouldn't have been difficult at all for Him to simply tell us that He made people in the image of...well apes (and whatever creatures came before apes, and before that and so on and so on back to the first single cell)...over alot longer than 6 days.
You're right about science, it's limited and will always be limited. (See my tagline).
Excellent tagline, Tpanther!