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To: Alter Kaker

When I say our position, I mean our galaxy, which by extenstion includes our place in it. And yes, Hawkings et al have admitted that they deliberately ignored the evidence pointing to our galaxy as being at or near to the center of the Universe for ideological reasons.

72 posted on 08/24/2009 11:20:06 AM PDT by GodGunsGuts
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To: GodGunsGuts
When I say our position, I mean our galaxy, which by extenstion includes our place in it.

Ah, I see. So when you say the earth is at the center of the universe, you really mean the earth, a small planet orbiting a minor star in a far flung area of a pretty-ordinary galaxy, is within 100,000 light years (586 quadrillion miles) of the center of the universe. Wow! What a margin for error!

So maybe the earth and our sun are special... or maybe it's one of the 100 billion other suns in the Milky Way.

And yes, Hawkings et al have admitted that they deliberately ignored the evidence pointing to our galaxy as being at or near to the center of the Universe for ideological reasons.

Uh... sure. I think your goats need milking -- the last thing you want to do is let the witches in the tent next door cast a hex on an unmilked goat.

77 posted on 08/24/2009 11:37:52 AM PDT by Alter Kaker (Gravitation is a theory, not a fact. It should be approached with an open mind...)
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