“The temptation to speak his mind may be too much for the president to resist. Just because hes taking a weeks break doesnt mean the health care debate is doing the same thing.”
For God’s sake, give us all a vacation from Obama’s theatre events posed as open forum.
And, this comes quite close to characterizing Marxist Obama as a "victim" of the paparazzi (when in truth, it is the lot of the malignant narcissist to crave constant attention.)
Respectfully disagree. I want this jOker on 24x7, ad nauseaum. He kills television revenue with his Blather Conferences (except FOX, who ignores him and wins ratings wars against the lame-stream media). A good number of people are already sick of him and his fugly Aunt-Esther wife who couldn't tastefully dress herself out of a wet paper bag.
I don't watch or listen to him ever, but think of it this way: would you rather punish Americans with debt-slavery until the end of Time, or punish them with non-stop snooze-a-thons and fawning pieces on how The Salt Vampire is "taking the fashion world by storm." ???