Not really. He did not con anybody by producing fake scholarly articles, etc. The nation did not want to know anything about him --- because truth would interfere with its desire for utopia. We've got the president we deserve.
The nation did not want to know anything about him --- because truth would interfere with its desire for utopia. We've got the president we deserve.
Hold on there chief, I am part of this nation and I have no desire for a utopia and demanded a lot of truth before the election. I was branded a racist and right wing nutjob.
In addition, the newly expanding Communist Party concealing themselves as democrats stood in front of compliant news reporting services and declared that vilifying me and many others for bringing up the obvious truth was just PEACHY!
So, just for the record, lets at least get a definition of the situation so folks can copy and use it to correctly describe said current situation.
We've got the Anonymous President that some of the better political criminal minds on the planet could fabricate and purchase with illegal and legal campaign money and convince the lower half of the IQ scale of the U.S. population to vote for.
I would say the sheep who would listen to none of the questions or warnings and voted for him deserve the man in the WH but those of us who tried to educate this mass of skulls full of mush and voted against this dirtbag do not deserve this mess. Though there is a small amount of satisfaction in seeing these sheep wake up to the huge mistake they made!