“Soft” is what you get from one whom when asked about abortion, postulated that it was “above his paygrade” to give a complete and adequate response.
Soft HELL, UnAmerican! Nice Obama! No Balls at all.
They know they can do this sort of thing with Obama in the White House, because he covertly approves of it and sides with the terrorists. In fact, who knows, maybe they informed him through back channels before they released him.
The UK has rendered and submitted to Islam. Is anyone surprised?
That aircraft should have been removed fromt he sky and no gov’t should have mentioned it...........simply a dead fly.
Disgrace to say the least.
I saw someone talking about this yesterday on (I think) Greta’s show. He implied that this was an exchange that was made to get more oil flowing to Great Britain from Libya and that the US probably gave them a wink and a nod.
Absolutely disgusting if true.
Another critic of Zero.
How long before the administration starts calling this mom names?
Sometimes a “stern statement” just isn’t enough.
Prepare for “Joe the Plumber ,Sarah Palin treatment” from the media/Administration hive, Ms. Cohen.
While I agree with everyone about Barry’s weak comment, it’s encouraging to see the lame stream media start chipping away at his credibility. Honey moon is over, eh? Like I’ve said before, “just keep talking Barry. The more you talk the harder it is for the media to ignore your foot stuck in your mouth.”
If Obama were a man, a leader, and a patriot, he would send a CIA team to find this guy and “compassionately” dispatch him with a .50 cal round from long range. Osama bin Laden has not killed a single American with his own hands and we’re gunning for him (rightfully so, as he leads Al Queda), but a guy who actually put a bomb on a plane and killed 100+ Americans is off limits? WTF people?!?!?!
WWJCD? (What would Jimmy Carter Do?)