As I understand it, these e-mails were sent to Garrett to ask at a Town Hall meeting.
“You don’t have to have omnipotent clarity. You don’t have to impugn anything,” Garrett fired back. “I’m telling you what I got: e-mails from people who said I never asked anything from the White House.”
Now, FOX is getting flack from the people who e-mailed Garrett abut getting UNWANTED e-mails from the WH.
You dont have to have omnipotent clarity. “
When Gibbs said that it’s apparent that Hussein’s minions are as stupid as he is. I’m pretty sure he meant “omniscient” — but that’s a pretty big word for an ignorant man.
What I see in the story is that the emails were forwarded to Garrett at Fox so he could ask about them at a White House press conference, which he did. According to the story you posted, Fox and Garrett aren't getting flack from the people who forwarded the emails to Garrett, they are getting flack from the White House.
The story is badly written, but it says, "FOX News obtained permission from some of the e-mailers who sent their concerns to FOX News and forwarded them to the White House. No explanation has yet been received." What it means to say is "FOX News obtained permission from some of the recipients of the White House e-mails, who had forwarded their emails and their concerns to FOX News, and after getting that permission, Fox News forwarded the messages to the White House (with the permission of the recipients) so the White House can determine who sent the original recipients the emails in the first place."
Where are you getting that, what is the source for this, please? I ask as it makes no sense to me, why would people who contacted FOX's White House correspondent be giving them flak for doing what it would be assumed is the reason for the emails being sent to Garrett in the first place, ask the White House spokesmouth why they are coming unsolicited, no prior contact, for us in your next session, will you, Major??
Unless said persons are concerned their names are now going to be exposed by virtue of their specific emails being questioned, otherwise, I'm not understanding what the problem is for them.