In 1975 I was one of those ELATED Evangelicals who got in line to back Jimmy Carter. We had Pat Robertson, James Dobson getting people registered. We were so certain that a Southern Baptist from Plains, Ga, and his tongues speaking sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton the healer, would bring in NEW hope. (The black people really knew the stakes were high to vote for Barak Obama, and many obviously have had their fingers crossed.)
Now we realize after Obama has taken office, that it is much like it was with Jimmy Carter, whose focus was on changes in Nicaragua, dumping Somoza, giving up the Canal in Panama, and his wife out shoving Equal Rights Amendment, that if we didn’t vote it through RIGHT THEN, America would cease to exist. Inflation became intolerable and interests unimaginable. Most of the evangelical people I know eventually regretted we voted for the guy, who pushed for the homosexual agenda, and encouraged abortions. Not much benefit came of Jimmy Carter for the Evangelical community.
I imagine a lot of sane black citizens, feel like myself an Evangelical who supported Jimmy Carter. Mr. Obama the black President, is really taking us all on a road to lead America into indebtedness, and taking more and more civil liberties away from it’s citizens, causing higher taxes to cause the entire country to have a lower living standard. Lessons are always learned in history. This is one of them.
The only reason we are not seeing interests rate spike is because the treasury is buying up it's own treasury bills and bonds in order to keep the supply tighter and the rates lower. They are doing this with money freshly run off the government printing presses and the dollars have no value.
Eventually we are going to get a great big bite on the butt from all these worthless dollars causing those that buy our debt to demand higher, much higher rates of return for them to assume what is becoming an ever increasing risk.