I think the dotted lines should be enough proof for anyone that a putative ancestor of whales and hippos had a common ancestor that crawled out the sea and then some of the descendants of that ancestor crawled back into the sea because everyone knows swimming is a lot more fun than walking, while other descendants like the hippo just really couldn't make up their minds and so walk around under water and even breed under water which I suppose happens a lot with in ground pools too since only low class people and hippos or people who look like hippos, would do such things in an above ground pool (please!, no personal experiences).
That's not to say I've been looking over the hedgerow or anything but the trailers here ARE real close together.
And speaking of nostrils (no, not him!) why would a whale only have one and the hippos two?
And Dawkin’s Dots are like a line drawn from a floating log to a Los Angeles class nuclear submarine showing how one evolved into the other with a Jon boat as an intermediate. As I tell the engineers, “You can build anything with a pencil.” including wall charts.
Maybe Dawkins should get a subscription to Ancestry.Com, to track down the family members of whales, they're pretty good, they even found several of me, one of which too old to be me and must've been a fake.