If you sneak into a building or are armned nearby where the president is coming to speak, you should and will be detained, questioned and invetigated. And you should be, doesn;t matter who the president is. Gee, I never realized our basic rights on public right-of-ways were to be infringed when the President is about. Guess I gotta go back and read the Bill of Rights again, I must have missed that caveat.
You also must have missed the part about the right to protection and self defense. Just because a lunatic like you who thinks your rights cannot be abridged in any circumstances and who wants to carry a weapon around a president doesn't mean you should or that you will be allowed to. The fact that you don't undertsnad that, just proves my point.
Are you the guy who jumps the barriers at airports, because we can't be protected by the government and DUH, becuase you have the right to?