Did you see the part where the father asked Dingell whether his son will get health care under this bill, and Dingell actually said they would put an “amendment in to specifically deal with his son’s problem?” What a load of BS. Why do they think they need an amendment to deal with a handicapped person’s heath care? It should be a given that all people will get health care. End of story. No need for an “amdendment.”
Dingell later said that the people who confronted him were organizers. That man and his son didn’t look like organizers to me.
I saw him on Fox. He didn’t threaten them.....he warned them not to threaten his family. He did nothing that any good American father and husband is expected to do.
Come on dumocrats, let’s get this thing on, while I’m still relatively young.
It’s quite sad, but I believe Obama wants this.
He wants the first shot to ring from a Conservative’s gun.
But we must do what we must do to protect ourselves because the government is longer of the people, for the people.
Each significant revolution in America has come from severe taxation and tyranny of her people. Obamacare is being challenged so strongly because we see the writing on the wall.
We need to stand together and fight together. If Obama and union thugs come in hundreds, we must come in thousands.
That is one brave man, and he has my admiration and respect. I shudder to think what Dingell’s thugs and goons will do, though. If I were him, I’d keep a close eye on my house and car.
News shows and talk shows need to play, every hour, Hillary screeching:
“I’m sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we’re Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.
We are Americans, We have the right to participate and debate any administration.” -Hillary Clinton; 4/28/03
It also needs to be on protestors’ signs — at least the last sentence.
Congressman Dingell’s district
Congressman Dingell on Last Nights Health Care Town Hall in Romulus
Sure wish I could read the article. Nothing but the main FOX page now.
Wish I coulda heard the part about being visited by thugs in the middle of the night. But most of it was pretty much inaudible anyway. THese things REALLY need to be better recorded, if we’re going to live up to their claim that they’re all organized and staged by us.
But they WON’T visit him in the daylight.Because they are worthless cowards inspired by Obama, thug in chief. This country is being turned into a banana republic. The congress and senate are allowing it. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying. How about Obama being impeached for LYING and for traitorous acts against the U.S. For handing out billions of dollars to terrorist. The list is long.
BTW: Chucky the one suffering from past drug induction said:
4/10/09 9:29:02 am reply quote
* 3
* down
* up
* report
re: #32 Erik The Red
Lets have a LGF Tea Party. Charles picks the speakers, I select the venue, reine is in charge of the food and red is the bar tender.
I don’t want anything to do with “tea parties.”
Well Guess what Chucky. The tea parties sure as hell want nothing to do with you. You are preaching to a small audience and being laughed at. You are meaningless and ineffective.
Bumped and marked to read later
Okay, I give up. Where on FoxNews’ web site am I supposed to find this, please.
ATTENTION.You are leaving NorthEast Amerika Sector,You are entering the Midwest Amerika Sector No Freedom Zone, under Governor Rahm Emmanuel. You will extend arm for scanning and state clearly what is your reason for entering Midwest Sector! No joking or complaining or you will be forcibly rebuked. Absolutely no bribes allowed. If everything is in order, you will pledge allegiance to King Obama , and pay Breathing Air Tax and turn in all food, and gold and we will let you enter the Midwest Sector! We have scanned your car for Bibles and guns and food. You will cooperate.
Why did you just post a generic link to Fox News? Why not a direct link to the article or video?
Hey America are you pissed yet? How’s the change working for you? For me n my family we’re ready for whatever comes. Thugs come to my part of the mountain they won’t be walking down. May God bless those patriots who are willing to stand up for what is right. Defend and protect, we shall do.
I just happened to have the TV on when Sola came on this morning. I was yelling and cheering as if my team had made a touchdown! You don’t get any more middle American than this man. He is authentic, and he is a real MAN defending his wife and son. In everyday life, he’s probably as mild as they come. Yet when pressed, he, like most of us patriotic Americans, has fire in his eyes when you threaten our “castles” and families—fire that can’t be conjured up by some group “paying” him to fake passion.