my poll questions:
This is what the bill says. do you YES/Agree NO/disagree that the US should pass this?
I asked about 20 (out of maybe 200-300 attendees) the questions.
Do you live in Doggett’s dist.? 13 - yes, 11-no (most were the pro-option people but not all.)
were you bussed here? yes- none no- 20
were you paid to be here? yes- none no- 20
have you read/researched the HC bill? yes- 18 no- 5
have you called/emailed Dogget before? yes-9 no-3
have you been to Townhalls before? yes- 11 no-5
How far did you drive to get here? 15 min. 6, 30 min. 9,
45 min. 3 and 1 hour 4
How did you find out about this?
Republican 1
Democrats none claimed
Doggett contacted you? none
you called Doggett? 2
insurance co? none claimed
ACORN? SEIU? UNION? none claimed
TV none Radio 2, Newspaper- 5
SwiftBoaters? none claimed
9-12ers? 1 none claimed
other? 3
phone 3
What party are you?
Ind? -3
Lib.- 2
Green- 2
Constitution part 1
Conservative 7
are you having fun being a community organizer?
11 yes, I said it was an education.
The weird (not really) they didn’t want to talk about this bill and what it says. One pro-option lady brought her insurance plan. I said, I’m not talking to you about your plan, I’m talking about THIS plan.
Do not let them sidetrack you.
Bottom line- I don’t want Doggett or all Congress to vote no on this because I say so, I want them to vote against it because the Constitution won’t allow them to vote yes on this mess.