Without the O, VP Biden does NOT exist in any way, fashion or form and no argument can make him exist. Any argument seeking to keep VP Biden only tries to minimize the damage the O has done to the Dem party and to keep what he has so far accomplished. Personally, I do not care for that party and have not since 1969. The DNC knew full well that the O was not qualified, but they were only interested in winning the presidency, not in right and wrong of how they did so. THEY would put forth your argument in a heartbeat to save their achievement, though it is totally wrong. Sorry, but without the O nothing we have seen so far would have taken place, nothing. Furthermore, I refuse to give any legitimacy to the O or the democRAT party leaders over whatever they have accomplished so far, including who O chose as his running mate.
Let's look at your argument. If we keep VP Biden, then the O (and the DNC) still win because the democRATs keep the current supreme court justice appointment, national healthcare, czars in the white house, cap and trade, etc. Do you REALLY want to keep the status quo????? Dump Biden as potential POTUS and all that unravels, as it should. What the solution is destined to be after the current administration is removed I cannot guess. I just know that ALL OF IT is illegitimate, all of it must go!
You are corrupting the law to bring about outcomes that YOU desire.
That is just as bad as what the Libs do, all the time.
Biden is now VP.
Biden will become President, if Obama, for any reason, can not serve out his term.
End of story.
You do not have a leg to stand on, historically or legally, with your ridiculous argument.
“Without the O, VP Biden does NOT exist in any way, fashion or form and no argument can make him exist. Any argument seeking to keep VP Biden only tries to minimize the damage the O has done to the Dem party and to keep what he has so far accomplished.”
Sorry, but you ain’t got a leg to stand on, legally. The Veep is elected separately and holds the office in his own right.
After the 2006 GOP debacle, there was idiotic and idle speculation that Dubya might “fire” Cheney. It was idiotic and idle because the Veep holds office in his own right as per above and cannot be “fired”, only impeached.