1945 + 65 years = Baby boomers start retiring in 2010. How are the Dems going to keep spending like rabid Marxists if an ever gowning portion of their annual budget is being ate up by COL adjustments to pay for Soc Security benefits?
Getting them to die off fixes both SS and Medicare.
Now that we obeyed a whole slug of pain-in-the-arse laws allegedly passed to protect us and have us live longer, the goobermint wants to kill us off.
I don't care about collecting any interest on the SSI I and my employers have paid in on my behalf. Just give me my money back.
AND the democrat politicians get to keep their 50+ years of Social Security payments to buy more votes from the illegal aliens (for the coming amnesty bill).
Oboma didn't pick a Hispanic Supreme court judge for nothing, you know. He could have gone completely communist like he did his Czars, but didn't.
The democrats need to trade the outgoing baby boomer vote for the illegal vote, otherwise, their base will dwindle to almost nothing a decade or so from now.
Power and privilege. To the democrats, it's ALWAYS about voting blocks. Always!
Wouldn't killing off the "burdens to society" (the elderly and disabled) be cruel and unusual punishment? I thought that was unconstitutional.
DO NOT FORGET THE DEATH TAX ON ESTATES. Property will have to be sold to settle debts and taxes will be levied on those sales. This is a win-win-win-win for the government.
There has been alot of discussion for years about the pending crisis with Soc. Security/Medicare as the baby boomers retire. Obamacare has come up with a solution-—the final solution.
As a boomer I must say there is a certain irony that the socialist / communist government the majority of the boomers consistently voted for is the type of that kills them when they are most defenseless. How’s that Hopey Change working out for you AARP members?
Well, you’re also dealing with the culture of death here. They just like to see people die, from the unborn, to the partial born, to the infirm and the elderly. Very simple. There’s really no “why” to it, they just like control and death.
Someone convince me otherwise.
They are a drain on Society, and those resources can be best used on those who can make a Contribution to the PARTY...errr ... Society.
So said the Propaganda films produced for ADOLF HITLER, as part of the “Existence without Life” films. I guess they were used as a test run for the “Final Solution”.
Today the OLD and the ABORTED.. then the final Solution.. Camps for Conservatives.
(NO, I’m not laughing...no sarc tag)
If we make it to 2017, the bankruptcy of the United States will be complete.
In 2017, the United States of America will officially be a third world nation.
The federal government of the usa is absolutely evil.
I can think of a lot more cynical explanations than this!
1. The 65 and older group is the ONLY demo that went GOP in the last election.
2. Relative to younger ones, a disproportionate share of folks in this age group are white, and many in the RAT party believe they receive a disproportionate, undeserved share of the nation’s resources.
They do not care if you are working or not. You are a burden - and you are more likely to be well educated, then the younger folks, and thus less easily persuaded to believe the latest lie.
Getting rid of the “elderly” is about population control - this year's middle aged are next year's elderly - today it is the 65 year olds, tomorrow it is the 55 year olds... who will need mandatory end of life counseling.
Well what is the solution to SS and Medicare going bankrupt ?
Fortunately, the Obama folks will keep this pallative for their own use and kill off the rest of us. Then they can move to Mount Olympus and live like Gods.
The hysterical reaction from the White House and the DNC to the bill's particulars being published on the internet (in many different websites) is telling. Liberals know full well what this bill proposes to do and they also know that it has absolutely no chance of meeting with the approval of a majority of Americans, once the facts are known about what's in the bill.
It will drastically alter the quality of American health care by forcing doctors and hospitals to take on millions of new patients while receiving less money under Obamacare. It doesn't take a PhD to figure out that means care rationing and the inevitable waiting lists and long lines at government-run clinics that assures. The language of the bill - by omission - allows taxpayer-funded care for illegal aliens, for abortions under any circumstance and abrogates the state restrictions on abortions now in place as well as hastening the early retirement of physicians anywhere near the retirement age because they will refuse to have government bureaucrats dictate their treatment of patients and the fees they can charge. Medical school enrollments will crash, for good reason, as becoming a doctor will hold no interest when government bureaucrats second-guess your every decision as well as set your pay.
It is loaded with mandates that are anathema to freedom-loving Americans and even allows the government access to your bank account! Government bureaucrats will determine your health care, not your doctor - he has to follow government 'guidelines' conveniently posted on his desktop computer - and he will be monitored by a government bureaucracy to track his compliance with those 'guidelines'. Your doctor's income will be determined by a government 'board'. Senior citizens (over 65) will be hardest hit with 'end-of-life counseling' and bereaucrats determining what, if any, medical resources will be allowed for those with a terminal illness. This bill is a nightmare for the elderly and disabled.
Many websites go through the individual rules in HR 3200, line by line. They are frightening. This is what scares the Obama White House and the DNC. They are trying to put one over on the American people using the trumped-up, completely fake health care 'crisis' - and now, the mask is off. The left is is full panic mode, even to point of sending union (SEIU) goons to physically assault those opposing this monstrosity of a bill at a Tea-Party, anti-Obamacare rally in Saint Louis, MO.
As Supreme Court Justice Lewis Brandeis once said: "sunshine is the best disinfectant". The then-progressive jurist wasn't referring to a government health care bill before congress but the words still resonate and apply directly to HR 3200 - Obamacare.
For the ten percent or so of the elderly who are in Medicare/Medicaid-paid long-term nursing home care, the figure can easily be upwards of six thousand dollars a month, sometimes for years on end before the last six months is even reached.
The bureaucrats and socialist control freaks look at those hundreds of billions and literally salivate with anticipation of how much control they could achieve with all that money. The wishes of the people, much less their very lives, mean nothing to them.
That bunch of greedy, power hungry traitors have raided every fund that they could, and unfortunately, SS and Medicare fell victims to their greed too. Killing seniors is their answer, but mine is to get rid of them. Then, they can’t hurt any more Americans!! Just wait until moms, dads and grandparents start dying because they won’t pay for their medical care. People aren’t going to like that one bit. EVERYONE is affected. We all have loved ones in that group.