KOS libs are blaming ALL of this on ....
Many of the protestors were from the 9-12 Project, or so they say on KOS.
Here comes the SPIN folks! it’s all that EVIL, CRAZY, Glenn BEck’s fault, NOT the fault of those innocent SEIU, Organizing For America, and AFLCIO union thugs bussed in and PAID for this event!!
Check out this KOS Idiot’s comment about TAXPAYERS demanding thier elected representatives listen to THEM for a change!!!!
“Of course they hate democracy. (13+ / 0-)
They’ve been advocating a vengeful, uncaring theocracy for several decades now.”
I would agree that I hate democracy. Because we’ve definitely come to the point where ACORN/SEIU wolves are voting to eat us taxpaying sheep for dinner.
Beck has big shoulders he can take it. Besides, he said that his buddy obama did not have any detention camps set up. Let hin find out for himself firsthand.