The absolute hallmark of everything The One's team sets out to accomplish is that those selected to do the job have no experience or expertise in the field. They are political hacks and the positions are political payoffs. It's political patronage, a la Chicago, at its best. It's obvious, to me at least, that they have no interest in making the projects they take on work and work well. Rather, they are interested only in getting control of them and making them over in accord with their personal ideas of what they should be.
We are so screwed unless we find a way to activate the very effective term limits, called elections, provided for us by our Founding Fathers. They gave us everything we need to turn this around and put America back on track. But as long as the ruling class in DC can buy the votes of non-producers by taking at gun point the resources of the producers nothing will change.
Somehow we have got to get producers to the polls in 2010 and fire as many members of the House as we can.