Why they think it's okay as long as they interrupt committee hearings with fake blood on their hands, or live in a ditch in Texas for an entire summer, but when we show up at one meeting we are being paid & coached. They must think we are all as stupid as they are! I don't need anyone to tell me what to think or how to act. I am perfectly capable of thinking for myself.
And, to Barbara Boxer, you stupid bitch, what does any of this have to do with the kind of clothes people are wearing. You have completely lost your freaking mind! That is an insult to normal everyday thinking people that you would focus on their clothes. How low can you get?!
Do you really think middle America doesn't know how to dress or can't afford to dress nicely? Do you think you and your little friends are the only people to have bought expensive clothes? It shows just how much you really know about real people, you arrogant bitch!
Yeah, that's what makes us "the enemy"!!!
Don't be surprised when you see the Congress for the arrogant slime they are. They well know they are taxing us into poverty, no wonder they think we can't afford nice clothes.