We went to Cooperstown when my youngest was 1 1/2 weeks old.
Family came to see the baby and the Hall of Fame. My husband had to work, so I drove. No biggie.
It might have been unusual in the 60’s but certainly do-able.
[now my baby is going off to college sniff, sniff)
Yes, certainly do-able but mothers were treated quite differently in the early 60’s. We were kept in the hospital for three or more days. No driving for 6 weeks, no lifting, stooping, stairs, etc for a month.
It was suggested that new mothers have someone help with household chores and to help care for the baby for a few weeks after the baby was born.
My parents would have been terribly upset and would not have allowed me to travel alone with a newborn. You just didn’t do things like that back then!
I agree with the Freeper whose theory was that Stanley went to a home for unwed mothers in Canada, and for some reason, did not give up the baby for adoption, as was usual for those times.