Book numbers tagged in alphabetical order? B (near the front of the alphabet) has a lower number(44) than W (181).
No guess about A/B.
I think I have that part figured out.
1 is the first book, then 2, up to 999
1A is right after 999, then 2A, up to 999A
1B is right after 999A, then 2B, up to 999B
Anyway, we have the method to find the answer.
Book / Page does or did work in South Australia
The District Code for HINDMARSH is HIN.
if 44B 5573 is Bomford, then the Kenyan doc is fake.
The following link gives 63 matches for South Australia and
44B 5573 is not found in, but I assume that it
would be fairly easy for someone in Australia to find it all out.
So, you know, that’s how you find out the answer. No more guessing at fonts.
Either 44B 5573 = Bomfort, and the Kenyan doc is fake or
44B 5573 does not = Bomfort, and the Aussie doc is fake.
So, you know, somebody with some money should get the answer today.