Have you given thought that whoever was hired to clean out obama’s grandmother’s house after she died might have possibly stolen this and stashed it? obama himself says his grandmother was in possession of his birth certificate.
It wouldn’t even surprise me if someone in his own family who sees the damage the man is doing night have had an attack of conscience.
o wasn’t there when grandma died. Any number of people on the food chain might have gotten access to this thing. An attorney handling the grandmother’s estate, for example. This would have passed through some clerks’ hands. Enough money buys almost anything.
Unlikely. Obama would have gotten to it first. Granny was a shut-in for years before she died the day before the election. Obama last visited her in late October 2008. If you recall, folks on this forum were joking around about how he was mopping up any loose ends document-wise. Chances are, any mopping up took place years before that.
Also, consider that before 2004 at the very earliest, no one would have attached any value to the document, even if they had seen it.