To: machogirl
Some are saying that Kenya did not become a Republic until 1964, while others are saying they were using “The Republic of Kenya” (in 1963) even before there was an official recognition from Britain (which happened in 1964.
201 posted on
08/02/2009 7:23:25 PM PDT by
(You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out!)
To: autumnraine
I have only found that in one internet item. But there is a lot out there. Certainly many more Kenyan docs for other things that happened in 63-64
206 posted on
08/02/2009 8:22:37 PM PDT by
(If Obama's handing out Pie, I like Lemon Meringue.)
To: autumnraine
You guys gotta remember this is the third world we are talking about,stuff that we would never ever allow document wise is hardly even acknowledged in the third world,its a different world.
247 posted on
08/03/2009 9:44:23 AM PDT by
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