"LEPs" (puleeeze) have a responsibility to learn English when they live in this country, not live in a Balkanized enclave where they can pop their ignorant heads out and vote in their own language for their leftist ideals. Jump into the melting pot or go home, for the United States of America is not your home if you don't take the steps to live here as a United States citizen.
And this "civil rights" nonsense has got to stop. We all have Constitutional rights, not civil rights. Special rights for special groups is tearing this country apart. Of course, this is purposeful. Set up a bunch of whiny, obnoxious, pushy, unreasonable [pick one: homosexuals, blacks, women, Croatians, whatevers], give them plenty of publicity and credence to their complaints about how awful and rotten this country is, and what happens? Prejudice and hatred bloom. Every [pick one] is painted with the old whiny, obnoxious, pushy, and unreasonable brush. Voilá! Torn apart country.
Oklahoma, and in fact, all the states would do well to wrest their authority back from this illegal administration and starve them of revenue. They can't withhold what they don't have. Wealth is in the states, and the feds only exist because of that wealth. CUT IT OFF.
Oddly enough, all of which has been ususually successful in a nation that has arguably done more to raise the standard of living for more people in more places than any other "sytsem" in the world. Not bad...
Probably nothing really new about any of this, I just wanted to see it in black and white. ;^)