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Obama, Gates, Crowley and That Black Panther Thing
Digital Journal ^ | 7/31/2009 | John T. Simpson

Posted on 08/01/2009 6:03:42 AM PDT by TheMadKing

Obama was masterful in suds-rinsing Dr. Gates' crime of race-crying "Wolf!" by sitting victim down with victimizer on equal footings. Since that worked out so well, why not a Beer Blast for the Black Panther thugs he let slide and their victims?

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Government
KEYWORDS: blackpanther; blackpanthers; crowley; gates; mrskippy; obama
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Many of you have already expressed to me that it's long past time to drop this subject and for all of us to move on. You could not be more wrong. This fight isn't over with a couple of beers and presidential equivocations. It's just beginning. And it could not be more personal. Think about it from my perspective, people. Had Sgt. James Crowley been just a regular Officer Joe on the beat, and not been able to provide the damning refutation of Dr. Gates' false shrieks of racism as he has, we Cantabrigians might this very moment be looking at Racial Arsonist-in-Chief Al Sharpton trying to burn down our city for race-mongering fun and profit.

Sorry, Big Al. Better luck next time! Point being, Big Al waits in the wings with gas can and matches in hand for the Next Big Whitey Thing to torch to the skies. He always does. Been watching him my whole adult life! Like a vulture Big Al and other black Lefty racial pimps, grievance-mongers and extortionists like Dr. Gates wait to spark or fuel racial infernos. Like the Joker. Only they burn people instead of money!

That's the real problem here! Don't you GET it? What if it was YOUR hometown Big Al was handing out the gas cans and matches to torch into riotous mayhem and scorched oblivion with Joker-like glee? The fires of the socially corrosive, inflammatory, all-too-profitable and politically powerful Hate Whitey cottage industry in this country burn just as strong as they ever did when this whole "unfortunate incident" began.

And racemongers like Sharpton and Gates stand always at the ready to fuel even the least smoldering embers of racial discord into Towering Inferno proportions, just as Dr. Gates tried and failed to do with Officer Crowley in Cambridge. The next racially-targeted innocent white police officer, his city and his peaceful neighborhoods might not be so lucky.

If we are to ever achieve racial harmony in this country, the black Lefty racial grievance-mongering riot-inciting industry MUST be put out of business once and for all. Let the law deal with crimes of race, not the racists themselves. Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

On With The Black Panther Racial Harmony Beer Blast Hoedown! Crackers Invited! I mean included ;-)

FUN FACT: Did the mere prospect of Gas Can Al Sharpton's promised arrival on the scene in Cambridge compel the Middlesex District Attorney and the Cambridge and Harvard Police departments to drop all charges against Dr. Gates? Is that the pure power of the racial discord industry or what? Food for thought.

And now, The Rest Of The Story.

It's all about racial harmony and justice. Or lack thereof. In wrapping this whole sordid episode of the racemongering Lefty Harvard Black Studies professor Skippy Gates, who screamed to the skies that one of the top law enforcement experts on racial profiling in all of Massachusetts was engaging in the worst kind of racism, Obama displayed for all the world to see that his genius for evasion and equivocation in matters of race has absolutely no peer:

President Barack Obama is hailing his meeting with professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and policeman James Crowley as a "friendly, thoughtful conversation." In a statement after the three men and Vice President Joe Biden chatted over beers, Obama said he learned that Gates and Crowley had already spent some time talking with each other. He called that "a testament to them."

They also spent some time talking at Dr. Gates house too, Mr. President. Now THAT was a testament! As to that "friendly, thoughtful conversation" between Gates and Crowley on Ware Street in Cambridge, you'd have to ask Officer Crowley. But do you really have to? Yet even more, from our esteemed Enabler-in-Chief:

Said Obama: "I have always believed that what brings us together is stronger than what pulls us apart. I am confident that has happened here tonight, and I am hopeful that all of us are able to draw this positive lesson from this episode."

Not that anything in the way of racial harmony is being pulled apart by the racial gas can politics and cries of Whitey Wolf that are not only par for the course for race-baiters like Gates and Sharpton, but are their bread and butter. Or giving the three Black Panther poll watcher thugs Get-Out-Of-Terrorizing-Voters-Free cards even with default convictions in hand. Nah. I feel much more racially harmonious and at peace as an American citizen who just happens to be born white. Don't you?

Obama, Gates and Crowley were at the center of a national uproar over racial profiling.

I would correct AP on that last statement by clarifying that it was in fact Dr. Gates who churned this racial Perfect Storm into Category 5 fury, and that in fact Officer Crowley was merely its battered Andrea Gail. But what's the point? When it comes to Obama, the press may as well be Ray Charles! Bats see better!

So, by sitting down racism victim Officer James Crowley and professional racial victimizer Dr. Henry Skippy Gates, and putting them on equal footings of respectability over a beer in the name of 'racial harmony,' Dr. Gates, who started this nationwide media and racial inferno with false cries of racism, and President Obama, who exacerbated the situation with his "acting stupidly" comment, both walk away from their crimes as free as the Black Panther poll watcher thugs just walked away from their egregious crimes of racially terrorizing white Philly voters, with the legal aid of none other than the Number Three at Justice, Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perelli. And Guess Who Else. Enabler-in-Chief ring any bells?

Of course, the Mainstream Media is totally on the Obamamessiah Racial Harmony Bandwagon, describing in most uplifting and lofty terms the beer-cooled "soothing of this race row" which the London Evening Standard called "The Audacity of Hops." Do you now understand why I utterly detest the sickeningly biased and equivocating left-wing liberal Obamamessiah press? If not, here's even more reason:

But when it came it was just four men, the President and Vice-President of the United States, a slightly-built black professor and a steely-eyed Massachusetts cop, sitting around in the shadow of the White House on a warm summer evening drinking beer.

Notice the damning little Lefty digs there? No "steely-eyed" racist Harvard egghead? Only "slightly built"?

The White House had billed the beer summit as a "teachable moment" in American life. An opportunity to show that in America, even the most acrimonious differences can be settled over a beer. If only the Israelis and Palestinians, the North and South Koreans, the Sunnis and the Shias could be so amenable.

Teachable moment is right, people. In total and unabashed Lefty equivocation, i.e. let's put the fascist North Korea and the democratic South on the same "acrimonious differences" playing field, sit 'em all down for beers and sing Kumbaya. Just like with Dr. Gates and Officer Crowley, for example. Forget Kim Jong-Il!

And if I didn't hate the Lefty press in full measure before, this oped on the ObamaFest from Ace of Spades based on blog posts and press releases should lock it: "Noble Race-Blind Professor Agrees to Have Beer With Corrupt Racist Cop." Are any of you seeing the same disturbing pattern here in the Lefty press that I see? They sound just like Gates! Could they be any more ignorant, equivocating or enabling? I think yes.

As Officer Crowley himself pointed out to the press after the Beer Drunk 'Round The World, he and Dr. Gates "agree to disagree," which given Sgt. Crowley's extensive training and experience in racial crisis and conflict resolution, tells me that Dr. Gates was being his usual arrogant, inhospitable and disagreeable self.

No apologies were issued by either Dr. Gates or President Obama to Sgt. Crowley over their respective roles in, and direct contributions to, the slandering of Sgt. Crowley's stellar reputation as a fair, honest and unbiased lawman in this rank affair. No surprise there. Being a racist Harvard Black Studies professor or a black radical-enabling, charge-dropping and favoring Lefty President means never having to say you're sorry.

If you think about all that has transpired to date, i.e. Dr. Skippy Gates and Officer James Crowley sitting down on equal footing to talk racial harmony over a couple of beers, it's on the sickening and equivocating par with throwing similar harmonious pow-wows between Crystal Mangum and the Duke Lacrosse players she falsely accused of rape, or even fellow race- and rape-hoaxer Tawana Brawley and Duchess County prosecutor Steve Pagones, one of Brawley's and Al Sharpton's many slandered victims in that case.

In fact, why don't we have Big Al sit down with the families of the eight shot and burned victims of his racial grievance-inspired and possibly anti-Semitic Freddy's Fashion Mart rampage?

Or with the family of visiting Australian student Yankel Rosenbaum, who had the misfortune of being caught up in the Sharpton-fueled Crown Heights race riot and stabbed to death by one of Big Al's rioting faithful, who screamed 'Kill the Jew!" as he repeatedly stabbed the Jewish Rosenbaum to death? Why don't we sit THEM all down and talk about how the "things that hold us together are stronger than those which pull us apart"?

Hell, why don't we just go all the way? Who don't we sit down the three swaggering racist Black Panther poll-watching thugs with the white Philly voters whom they menaced with batons, and intimidated with racial epithets like "You will soon be ruled by the black man, cracker?" Could go a long way to the "soothing of that race row" and of "acrimonious differences" between those racist thugs and their innocent victims. Of course, the Black Panther thugs would walk away from that summit of racial harmony just as guilty as they entered (though no longer, thanks to Department of Just Us AG Perelli and our Enabler-In-Chief), and the white voters would probably all go home with some new slurs under their belts. A regular Rainbow Coalition.

Of course, the great danger here is that President Obama risks damaging race relations in this country beyond measure by enabling, equivocating and even freeing racist black radicals in what appears to be an Obama Administration-orchestrated regression of this nation's laws in favor of same. How am I, as an American citizen who just happens to be white, seeing all these rank racial injustices proliferate under the President's watch supposed to feel? Like justice is being served? If so, then justice today in being served up like the dish of revenge: cold. I'm certainly not feeling the warmth or the love. What reasons do I have to?

The glue that holds us together as a nation way well be stronger than the forces which attempt to pull us apart. Yet by pouring the acid of racial injustice and discord onto that glue, in the manner in which President Obama and his administration have done to date since taking office, the President risks pulling us all apart and violently so, ironically as the candidate and now-President who promised he would be our Super Glue when it came to establishing racial harmony in this troubled nation. He ain't even been Elmer's!

And this nation only becomes more troubled and pulled apart through President Obama's and his administration's blatant bias, favoritism and enabling of black racial problem children like Dr. Gates, Al Sharpton and the Black Panther thugs. Might as well drive a truckload of Gentleman Jack up to a reprobate alcoholic's house! My "teachable moment" here, people, is that you don't have to be black these days to get a real taste of glaring racial injustice in America.

Feel free to give the White House a Sgt. Crowley-like racial harmony seminar on that one. Cheers!

1 posted on 08/01/2009 6:03:42 AM PDT by TheMadKing
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To: TheMadKing
Obama's actions since his initial statement at the news conference have all been to cover and provide a smoke screen for himself. The real big issue in this entire affair was that quote of his.

"I may be a little biased here, and I don't know all the facts, but the Cambridge Police clearly acted stupidly."

BEcause with this quotye, Obama provided a window for all Americans into his bias and underlying feelings that he exposed with that statement.

In truth, underneath the sheen, and the thin venier...behind the TOTUS, Obama is just like Gates, Wright, Ayers, etc.

And, IMHO, that is the most revealing thing about the issue with Gates. He is so clearly another person and instance of a pattern that fits Obama's other "close friends".

Racist, hate filled, angry, people who detest traditional America and the free market and whose seething hatred is only just below the surface...and in some cases always out in the open. Frank Davis, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jeremiah Wright, Henry Louis Gates, even his own wife, Michelle (by her own admission)...and the list goes on and on.

There is a clear pattern here that the MSM not only knows, but refuses to report. And that is because most of them share this hatred.

Obama and all those pushing his radical agenda are abject marxist ideologues. Their "fundamental; change" is nothing more than a destruction of the American free market and fundamental republican principle.




...and on the lighter side, take your mind off the Obamanation for a few minutes and enjoy some beautiful Western US scenery slideshows.


2 posted on 08/01/2009 6:08:23 AM PDT by Jeff Head (Freedom is not free...never has been, never will be. (
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To: TheMadKing

>An opportunity to show that in America, even the most acrimonious differences can be settled over a beer. If only the Israelis and Palestinians, the North and South Koreans, the Sunnis and the Shias could be so amenable.

Exactly! Oh, wait... Muslims don’t drink alcohol.

3 posted on 08/01/2009 6:12:08 AM PDT by OneWingedShark (Q: Why am I here? A: To do Justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.)
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To: OneWingedShark

Actually Muslims do a LOT of things they claim they don’t do. Ask any military person who has served in the Middle East about the stuff they’ve seen Muslims do.

4 posted on 08/01/2009 6:30:41 AM PDT by Paige ("All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing," Edmund Burke)
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To: TheMadKing

OUTSTANDING article! Thanks for posting. Stock up on Colt 45’s.

5 posted on 08/01/2009 7:58:11 AM PDT by PGalt
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To: Jeff Head

Slightly off topic but I haven’t seen this pic posted anywhere.
Please tell me if you can pick out the compassionate one.

Believe me a picture is worth a thousand words.Conservatives shoudld be using this picture everywhere.

6 posted on 08/01/2009 8:13:19 AM PDT by TShaunK
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To: Paige

I’ve served in the mid-east... I didn’t think that I required the sarc tag for a little bit of ridicule of the underlying concept.

7 posted on 08/01/2009 9:10:18 AM PDT by OneWingedShark (Q: Why am I here? A: To do Justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.)
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To: Jeff Head
Even the MSM realizes this beer summit/brew Ha Ha had better clear up sooner, rather than later!!!
8 posted on 08/01/2009 8:35:48 PM PDT by SierraWasp (Galloping suffocating American Socialism stinks like BO!!!)
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