Like a big gnarly piece of ill commented spaghetti code in a dusty Fortran deck, the whole bill, and any related body of law, has to be looked at to figure out what this piece is supposed to do. If gummit health plans exist, we would probably want to be able to pay them as easily as we pay our credit cards, without being required to mail out physical checks. And access to checking accounts (and credit cards, etc.) has to be authorized to let that happen. But I’d say, this requires serious scoping language to keep it from being abused.
The PDF file link is posted three times on this thread, and you can scroll down to pages 57-59 on top of page and start reading on page 57 at Section 163: There is no where you have any control of the transfer of money process, it is in lines 18/19 where it states “as the Secretary (of Healthcare) deems necessary”...that has nothing to do with asking perminssion from you.