I wonder how much trial lawyers are getting for “positive self-esteem and self-worth” cases these days?
It’s really sad that the article states that someone is entitled to self-esteem and self-worth. As if someone can give it to you or take it away? I don’t get it.
You know what gets me is the level of absolute stupidity that is involved in the “self esteem” crap. You got to let Johnny dress up like a girl and paint his nails pink or else you will damage his self esteem. It is ignorant. Just because someone sets an irrational set of parameters that defines “their esteem” doesn’t mean they should be indulged. It is their thinking that hurts their self esteem. It is a sign of mental illness that they first put themselves in positions that they know will gain them ridicule or exclusion and then they behave as if they expected any different.
Suppose I think I need to were barebutt chaps in public to allow my self expression and thus be happy and have high self esteem? It is ridiculous and the fact that stupid infantile ideas like this are indulged by the subnormal class of degenerates is not only morally repugnant but intellectually bankrupt. One doesn’t have to be religious in any way to understand that such silliness is without merit and should be discouraged.