Every day this Urkel character, this college-campus demagogue who happens to reside in the WH, tips the majority back where it belongs:he is INDEED creating, not more Republicans, but more conservatives-—people that “didn’t know from conservatism” are waking up to it.
The RINOS still try to exercise their hegemony, and you can be sure they will find their promoters in the MSM, as they always have, (think of McCain), but this time the voters are going to demand a real Conservative be put forth as a viable member of what must finally define itself as “The Opposition Party”.
And OK, you weren’t “arrogant”—you may now use the handle
snidesob. (insert smiley face emoticon here)
Enjoy your fantasy. It is a nice one which would be wonderful to share. The People meanwhile sleep soundly undisturbed by reality dreaming of the Land of Socialism.
Even an attack on the homeland merely caused a rolling over and back to the dream. The masses in the US or any other country have never been conservative as any reading of history will show. What has changed that would cause them to recognize who and what our enemies are?
RINOS are 60% of the GOP if not more. And McCain was selected because conservatives could not get behind a realistic alternative i.e. Guiliani. It was obvious for a year before the convention what had to be done to stop McCain but the Right instead preferred to destroy Guiliani and clinge to those without the slightest chance of winning the nomination much less the election.