You've got a big, big, hill to climb.
This is what's scary. Palin supporters who won't, even at the slightest, acknowledge the elephant in their living room.
Sarah quit, you can spin it any way you want, but it will be hammered home every day by her opponents, the dims and the MSM. It will be a factor for many of the swing voters she would need to win a general election.
People on FR say she is damaged goods not because they don't like her but because they are realists and understand how the game of politics is played. But many Sarah supporters have blinders on and will continue to spin it or ignore this fact like it doesn't exist and denigrate people who bring it up until the train crashes.
I believe Sarah knows this and I think she is going to spend her time writing books, doing speaking engagements, maybe some television or radio, a website, etc. She's going for the gold and I although I don't blame her for me she jumped the shark when she quit her post while on active duty.
We needed Sarah to lead the revolution from WITHIN the game. She now is on the outside and while she can be a formidable proponent for conservative causes, she has taken herself off the main board for good.
And if she doesn't understand this then I will lose even more respect than I lost when she quit.
The only people who believe that Sarah is a quitter are those duped by the crap shoveled by the Media, the DNC, and the supporters of 2012 Presidential Candidates that fear her.
Lets assume for the moment that your statement is true in its entirety, which I don’t.... Reality is just that, reality. Thus Palin and her contingent must deal with the cards as they lie and are currently being played. Castigating others with differing opinions doesn’t bring one more vote to the table for Palin.
The Palin contingent must find a way to bring those duped people and supporters of other canidates to her side or otherwise she’ll be sucking hind teat on election day assuming she could get the nomination.
So what’s the plan? Moaning, groaning and castigating won’t win the day, imo.
“The only people who believe that Sarah is a quitter are those duped by the crap shoveled by the Media,”
which would be a good chunk of that voting squishy middle i was referring to.