Gates has the “Kingfish” George Stevens art of intimidating the police.. the Mystic Knights of the Sea community organizin’ flare of not looking foolish..
The Gates incident represents in microcosm the entire race-baiting, victim-playing industry that so plagues America.
I hear that Al Sharpton, the biggest racist in America, is getting involved.
And if the officer were black... he'd be an Uncle Tom, working for The Man to keep a Brother down?
My, what an original accusation! NOT!
He allegedly began calling the officer a racist, repeatedly saying: "This is what happens to black men in America." Officers said they tried to calm down the 58-year-old academic only for him to tell them: "You don't know who you're messing with."
Well, if he would have identified himself, they would have known who they were messing with!
He obviously has not seen this video:
Rule #2: “Use common sense.”
Also: “Be polite.”
Hey Mr. Gates. No one cares if you are black.
I'd LOVE to know how they figured this out.
The idiot sounds like a racist, both for thinking just because he was black something was happening to him and because who was doing it must be racist because of their skin color. Prejudice, pure prejudice.
The "do you know who I am?" card is usually played only by athletes and actors. This is the first time I've seen it played by an "academic." Pretty amusing. Of course the fact that he played the race card is no surprise.
The police should indicate the good professors address in their database, and not respond to any calls at that location. Maybe one of his black brothers will help him in redistributing the wealth.
Actually, not complying with the police doesn’t necessarily make one a criminal.
If he's so famous, why have I heard of him only in news accounts about this incident? Perhaps some news writers have an inflated opinion about him.
Du Bois: A Chronology
1868 Born, February 23rd, Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
1880-1884 Attends Great Barrington High School; Western Massachusetts Correspondent for the New York Age, the New York Globe and the Springfield Republican; graduates as class valedictorian.
1885-1888 Attends Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee; teaches in rural school districts during the summers; editor of the Fisk Herald; receives B.A. in 1888.
1888-1890 Enters Harvard as a junior and receives B.A., graduating cum laude.
1890-1892 Begins graduate study at Harvard.
1892-1894 Studies at the University of Berlin with a fellowship from the Slater Fund.
1894-1896 Teaches Latin and Greek at Wilberforce University in Ohio; marries Nina Gomer.
1896 Receives Ph.D. from Harvard; his dissertation The Suppression of the African Slave Trade is published by Harvard University Press.
1896-1897 Instructor of Sociology, the University of Pennsylvania; publishes The Philadelphia Negro.
1897-1910 Teaches history and economics, Atlanta University; initiates the Atlanta University Studies.
1903 Publishes The Souls of Black Folk.
1905-1909 Founder and General Secretary of The Niagara Movement.
1910-1934 Director of Publicity and Research, Member Board of Directors, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
1910-1934 Founder and Editor of The Crisis, monthly magazine of the NAACP.
1919 Calls Pan-African Congress in Paris.
1920 Receives the Spingarn Medal of the NAACP.
1923 Special Ambassador Representing the United States at the inauguration of President King of Liberia.
1934 Resigns from the NAACP.
1934-1944 Returns to Atlanta University as Head, Department of Sociology; publishes Black Reconstruction.
1944-48 Returns to NAACP as Director of Publicity and Research.
1945 Attends founding conference of the United Nations in San Francisco as representative of the NAACP.
1948 Co-chairman, Council on African Affairs.
1950 Chairman, Peace Information Center in New York City; candidate for U.S. Senate for New York Progressive Party. Wife, Nina Gomer Du Bois, dies and is buried in Great Barrington.
1951 Indictment, trial, and acquittal of subversive activities charges brought against him by the Justice Department; marries Shirley Graham.
1951-1959 Extensive speaking, writing, and international travel; wins Lenin Peace Prize in 1958.
1961 Becomes member of the Communist Party, U.S.A. Invited to Ghana by President Kwame Nkrumah to edit the Encyclopedia Africana.
1963 Becomes citizen of Ghana. Dies on August 27th and is buried with a state funeral in Accra. Du Boiss death is announced by Roy Wilkins of the NAACP as the March on Washington begins on August 28th.
Rubbish. The chap was in his own home, showed ID, and the asked for the Cops name and badge number and ID. THAT was when he was arrested. I dont agree with his race card agenda, but hey, if youre going to come stomping into my home, and demanding my ID, I sure as hell wouldnt mind seeing yours too!
Unfortunately too many cops are in the “Im the law, and you do as I say” mode, and forget that they are public servants.
There are different versions of this incident covered in different sources. This news piece on Fox says that Gates complied with police requests and produced ID.,2933,534203,00.html
Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct for the yelling at the officer.
The National People’s Radio show I listened to this morning said there were “numerous witnesses/onlookers” to the event. I have yet to hear one interviewed or quoted.
That pretty much demonstrates to me this guy was behaving like a total a—hole and the media are covering up that part of the story.