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To: dschapin
You don’t adhere to the Constitution by trying to undo elections and repeal Amendments with a mob.

The first amendment of the constitution allows freedom of speech to redress government transgressions. Visiting Washington in great numbers falls within the constitution's enumeration of God-given rights.

If we truly revere the Constitution then we must must abide by its system of elections. If Obama were to declare himself dictator and not allow elections (or something of that nature) than we could Constitutionally resort to mobs and force but at the moment to do so would be to make ourselves the destroyers of the Constitution.

I wholeheartedly disagree. Obama has alerady effectively declared himself dictator, with aid of a leftist media, house, Senate, and court system. The constitution is being shredded before our very eyes. If we don't act now with a show of force (vocal force, not a shootout), he will continue unencumbered. If we do act in force, he may still act against the constitution and the will of the people as he has done, but we will have exhausted our rights under the first amendment and can constitutionally move on.

723 posted on 07/19/2009 6:54:36 PM PDT by meyer (Obama's failure is America's Success.)
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To: meyer

I would favor a massive peacefull march in DC to urge our Representatives to oppose Obama’s socialist agenda. What I oppose is any violence or any idea of trying to use this march to undo the last election through the implied threat of force.

726 posted on 07/19/2009 7:03:48 PM PDT by dschapin
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To: meyer; dschapin
You don’t adhere to the Constitution by trying to undo elections and repeal Amendments with a mob.

The first amendment of the constitution allows freedom of speech to redress government transgressions. Visiting Washington in great numbers falls within the constitution's enumeration of God-given rights.

Nobody has a problem with the March itself, its the specific extra-Constitutional actions advocated that are being criticized. let me repeat #661:

Absolutely NOBODY here has a problem with that. Absolutely NOBODY here has a problem calling out the socialist scum-bucket politicians who have passed bailouts and budgets that are bankrupting us and are voting to destroy our freedoms with ObamaCare and cap-n-trade etc. Absolutely NOBODY here has a problem with finding ways to bounce their worthless butts out of office ... in the next election.

The SPECIFIC issue and concern was/is the impatient call to somehow overturn the results of the last election with some direct action, in a way that contravenes the laws and Constitution we patriots revere. It’s a contradiction. It’s also a pipedream and a dangerous one at that and has ALREADY been used by others to cast Freepers as wackos.

727 posted on 07/19/2009 7:04:38 PM PDT by WOSG (Why is Obama trying to bankrupt America with $16 trillion in spending over the next 4 years?)
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