Well every seat in the House of Representatives is up in 2010,I believe a Campaign to “CLEAN OUT THE HOUSE” is in Order ! What do you think Throw all the Bums Out and Lets start over America ,With AMERICAS INTERESTS FOREMOST FOR A CHANGE
“Throw all the Bums Out” would make a great slogan for the movement!
Talk about throwing things out one has to make sure, in these delicate situations, that one doesn’t throw the proverbial ‘baby’ out with the bath water — if you know what I mean.
Forty five years of subversion against America from the far left will not be undone in a day.
Watch everything (on youtube) by X-KGB operative, Youri Bezmenov, about the subversion of the west.
The KGB and the brain washing of the West
Youri Bezmenov - Communist Psywar (Part 1)
Obama is the culmination — the EFFECT — of this sort of subversion.
Obama’s just putting the last nails in the coffin.
Our elected government officials — who are supposed to be OUR(’the peoples’)servants — now bow down and serve foreign and disparate interest... interest inimical to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Rather, as the aforementioned ‘officials’ enjoy the above we face the prospect of a circumscribed ‘life,’ economic — if not literal — slavery, and diminishing happiness.
They are traitors plain and simple.
Throw the Bums out, indeed!