The first order of business is to build on the TEA Party movement. The people are pissed at BOTH political parties for leading us down the road to socialism and tyranny and they’re protesting against it. People of every political stripe, station, and persuasion. People who have never protested before. Men, women, housewives, little ol’ grand mothers, teens, children, professionals, working class, mechanics, plumbers, you name it. They are ANGRY and ready to roll some heads!
Continue building on that momentum. Continue the marches in every state, every city, ever state capitol and on Washington, D.C. itself.
We need massive marches! We need to wake up the sleeping masses of the silent majority! Wake up and get the attention of the press! And scare the PISS out of the political ruling class that delights in lording it over us!!
September’s march is just one of the first. There will be many more and they will be massive! Unless I miss my guess, change is coming!!
America and Americans will throw off her tyrants and throw off their chains and fight for Liberty! Always have. Always will. It’s in our blood.
P.S. Heads will roll is a tad on the rhetorical side, but just a tad.
I second the enhanced Tea Party idea... The Tea Party organizers have done a good job. Rally the troops, get the Tea Party organizers involved - State and Regional delegations so to speak.
We can have a big rally on 9/12 (hopefully a million strong) and we could set a minimum goal of Freezing Congress in Place. Huge numbers - many speakers, chanting and stomping - then move to Ghandi like Non Violent Civil Disobedience - obstruction of traffic ways, entrances to public buildings, etc. And all the while be prepared for reaction from ACORN Brown Shirts and other Leftist Goons...
First Goal - at a minimum ...
Really Intimidate Members of the House and Senate - the sheer numbers of protesters could do that... the crowd could distribute phone numbers of each Member of the House and Senate.. Then we all place calls to them while demonstrating.
Use the power of cell phones - protesters call dozens of friends and have them fax, call and email the members of Congress AND The News Media. Stage the old 60’s Street Theater - acting out the transgressions our Congress has mired themselves in.
Intimidation of Congress will rob Obama of the ability to shove more insane legislation down our throats.
This will buy time and gain respect and attention. We’ll gain time for planning and pulling off the next - even bigger protest in Spring 2010 - where stronger actions that have been suggested in these many posts can be acted out.
Yes! Yes!.. and these folks must do more than march, they need to put up, fund and elect our candidates one layer of government at a time. Remember how one Prosecutor in Texas wiped out Tom Delay. We can't do that, with fake charges, but Real Prosecutors and real charges are available on all levels already. The President is invulnerable but many around him are hip deep in it and need to be held accountable to the law.
State and Federal Prosecutors will act when they know they are supported and they are doing the right thing. One piece at a time. We are already seeing this. Major Cook, took a massive hit, but the reason the Army dumped him so fast was that a Federal Judge agreed to look at this square. He is not the last. With Obama's poll numbers sliding, and the program he is pushing being so obviously brain dead, in six months he may be begging for friends. Don't lose heart, America is great because of all of the levels of checks and balances, not just the few. They are not perfect, but enough if we do as you say, get serious and keep the pressure on.
This statement is more like the Jim Robinson I have come to admire and respect.
Thanks for taking the time to discuss this. It has been a joy.