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To: Jim Robinson

Here is a list of random thoughts I have kept over the years as various news stories came up. This list is in no way a final list of thoughts, and it maybe not even be well thought out and it has some emotional responses in it to those news sotries. I don’t back everything in it as even I change my mind once I cool down, but I do think it makes a good starting point with various issues we have seen over the past number of years and I offer it as a point of conversation.

1. There will never be the ability to prevent special interests within government legislatures. All laws must allow the people the right to negate such affects of special interests and help prevent tyranny.
2. All governments revert to force against the people when enough power and money are applied and desired by those that control the government.
3. All government programs get bigger, never smaller.
4. People are fallible, but also lie, cheat, and steal purposefully.
5. Power comes from grouping or organization of like minded people. Such power should never be held by anyone within or influencing government. This is a country of individuals represented, not mob rule.
6. Individuals perform best and create a better country when left to make their own decisions without influence of government.
7. None of us is as dumb individually as all of us collectively.
8. The people give the government its power and shall enjoy all powers they give.
9. Money is a holding of a person’s labor. A person’s labor is their life. Taking their money is taking part of their life. Money is not something to be taken lightly.
10. The Interstate Commerce clause is void. The federal government has proven abuse of the privilege.

Rights & Privacy
1. No person, not imprisoned, shall be denied any right enjoyed by the people, to include the right to vote, possess weapons, or travel freely.
2. The people have the right to protect property from theft or destruction by lethal force to include property not their own, petty theft not withstanding.
3. No person shall be required to retreat from aggression.
4. No laws shall be made to regulate or tax the manufacture, sale, transfer, or ownership of any weapon, except to ensure weapons of mass destruction are safely stored and handled. Weapons of mass destruction shall include only those weapons whose use may injure or kill multiple people at once and shall not include individual firearms or small explosives.
5. The people shall have the right to concealed possession of weapons except in courts of law, Capital buildings, State Legislatures, and government offices where armed security has been established to provide for the security of its occupants and technological devices are utilized that prevents the carry of weapons.
6. The government shall have the right to make law regarding the safe storage and use of weapons of war that are chemical, biological, or nuclear devices, or any such type of weapon as may be invented that is capable of causing mass destruction. Such law shall be restricted to ensuring public safety and may not prohibit the possession, ownership, or proper use of such weapons.
7. No property shall have as a condition of purchase or possession any requirement of association or commerce with any person, organization, or other properties. All such existing deeds restrictions are void.
8. No person shall be required to vacate their property under any circumstance, including declared emergencies or natural disasters, except under warrant for arrest for crimes, nor shall the government be responsible for the safety for those who choose not to vacate under government recommendation.
9. All persons have the right to defend themselves and their properties from acts of war or by an invading people of foreign nations.
10. No person shall be detained for any reason without a crime having been committed and without probable cause that the detainee is the perpetrator of the crime.
11. Information gathered of a person may not be used without the explicit permission of the person and no services or rights may be withheld for refusal to grant permission for the use of the information.
Government Accountability
12. No law shall be made requiring persons or governments to ignore other laws.
13. No act of the government, except for plans of war or investigations of crime, shall be performed in secret, and criminal investigations shall be made public once any trial has concluded or the investigation has concluded innocence.
14. Any elected or appointed government official who intentionally violates the rights of any person shall be punished at maximum by death and at minimum removal from office and barred form holding office or government employment. Any person may bring a complaint of such violations to court and shall be heard.
15. No special privilege or protection may be given to any government not enjoyed by the individual people, except privileges of identification of government agencies.
16. The government shall not own, participate, or maintain controlling interest in any industry or operation of commerce except those enumerated powers.
17. No payments or grants shall be made to persons not having performed direct services to the government for the benefit of the people directly, to include no payments of welfare, tax credits, or incentives.
18. No law shall be made whose purpose is that of controlling or influencing social behaviors.
19. No law shall be made banning substances that are not a danger to others when used by an individual.
20. The people shall maintain the right to enforce their rights by any force necessary to do so.
21. No law shall be made that takes affect in the future past 180 days.
22. No law shall be made that grants regulatory authority to government agencies that may alter the affects of the law.
23. Each bill shall stipulate its authority within the Constitution and no bill shall be put forth that is not strictly allowed for within the Constitution.
24. No action or use of force shall be used by the government except in direct response to a known and direct action and no action or use of force shall ever be taken merely against a possible threat or fear of a threat.
25. Any person elected to office who shall have been shown to have violated any elections law shall be immediately removed from office with any such complaint of violation being sworn by any person to be heard by any federal court of law consisting of three judges.
26. Marriage shall be defined as between one man and one woman, neither of blood relations.
27. No religion or system of beliefs may be used as an offense or defense in a court of law.
28. No tax shall be placed on marriage or religion or any practice of either.
29. The government may not require a person to hold religious beliefs of any kind nor may inquire about a person’s religious beliefs. No person holding public office or employment shall be required to deny their beliefs nor prohibited from practicing their beliefs.
30. No jury shall be prohibited from expressing their beliefs in deliberation.

31. There shall be no tax on incomes or possession of property.
32. Taxes may be levied on the use of property only when the use of property causes government or public resources to be consumed.
33. There shall be no requirement to report income, wealth, or property possession or use except when necessary for calculation of tax or regulatory compliance and the information collected shall be strictly limited to information necessary for the collection of the tax.
34. No tax shall be collected to be paid to foreign interests except from debt paid from war.
35. No monies shall be paid as part of membership or under treaty to any foreign organization.
36. The federal government may not collect any tax from the people. All federal taxes collected must be collected by and paid by the States.
37. No tax shall be made whereby some people do not pay.
Courts and Justice
38. No government or government employee shall be indemnified from prosecution.
39. No person shall be required to provide any information that may later be used for prosecution.
40. Any law enforcement or government official with responsibility to take or respond to the report of a crime, and refuses to do so, shall be guilty of being an accessory to the crime being reported and punished to the maximum extent allowed for the reported crime.
41. Any person who commits perjury or swears a false complaint in a criminal matter shall be sentenced to the maximum possible punishment facing the accused, to include death, or 10 years imprisonment at hard labor, which ever is greater.
42. Any person who commits perjury or swears a false complaint in a civil matter shall be punished by not less than three times the matter or one half of their assets, which ever is the greater, and 10 years imprisonment at hard labor.
43. No membership in any labor union, trade or professional organization shall be required to be a judge in a court of law or represent any case before a court of law.
44. Any law that shall reasonably be determined to require counsel of any kind to understand, obey, prosecute, or defend against, is void. Such a determination may be used as an affirmative defense at trial.
45. A judge or jury must first determine before verdict if the law as presented to the court is just, comprehensible, and applicable to the case before them.
46. No criminal complaint shall be dismissed except by the person, who shall have sworn the complaint, or by a judge, or by a jury of at least 6 peers.
47. Every person shall enjoy the right before the courts to file and prosecute criminal complaints, not withstanding the right of the State or local governments to provide prosecutors.
48. The Supreme Court shall consist of 9 judges, and all decisions shall be made only by quorum of 7 judges.
49. Supreme Court judge tenure is for no longer than 7 years and may leave the bench at any time.
50. The Senate may override a Supreme Court decision by a two-thirds majority and a call for vote by the Senate in such matters must be given 30 days public notice unless two-thirds are present, and the vote be held in public view. An interim stay of the court decision may be given by the President of the Senate.
51. No property may be confiscated without a conviction in court and the property having been obtained in violation of law, eminent domain not withstanding.
52. All protections or privileges of law shall apply equally to all persons and no special protections or privileges may be applied to any specific person, persons, or group.
53. The people shall not be held to any alternate court or governing body outside of this constitution and resulting government and no other alternative form of governing body shall exist. Any person found violating this section is guilty of sedition and shall be put to death.
54. No person shall pay any court fees for charges file against them by the government and having been found not guilty.
55. The States shall elect the Senators by their legislatures of two-third majority.
56. The people of the respective States may issue a recall election of a Senator by vote of one-forth of representatives of their respective legislature, with a Senator recalled by a simply majority vote of the general population. Having recalled a Senator, a new Senator is to be elected within 90 days by simple popular vote for the remaining term the recalled Senator held. Should a Senator fail to be elected within 90 days, the governor of the State may seat a Senator.
57. A census to determine a count of citizens is to be held every 10 years on years ending in zero. Only citizens shall be counted and only their names and addresses may be collected.
58. No person whose grandparents not having been born citizens, or who has obtained voluntarily a citizenship or residency in a foreign country after becoming a United States citizen, may be a member of the Congress, a governor of a State, or a member of any State legislature, or hold a law enforcement position. Any person who holds a foreign citizenship without their consent must publicly denounce the foreign citizenship in writing.
59. Any elected or appointed official who attempts to represent a foreign interest over the interests of these United States shall be punished for treason.
60. A quorum of the House or the Senate shall consist of those present. No vote shall be held without notification to all members with at least 10 days notice and any vote may be held at any time if all members are present and agree.
61. All votes of Congress shall be recorded as to members present and their vote cast and made available to the public. No vote may be made in secret or without recording.
62. All bills before Congress shall be specific to a single subject.
63. All bills brought before Congress by any representative and having support of at least two additional representatives, each from different States, shall enjoy a vote of Congress on a normal schedule.
64. No bill may be filibustered, denying a representative the right to present a bill before the Congress. No parliamentary rule or law that allows for or indirectly causes a filibuster may stand.
65. Any monies given for political campaigns must be recorded and available for public scrutiny before such monies may be placed in use.
66. Only persons directly represented may give may give monies for political campaigns.
67. Any candidate accepting foreign monies for a campaign shall be denied office, removed from any office held, and prosecuted for sedition. Foreign persons giving monies for political campaigns shall be deported and forfeit their monies, not withstanding any laws that shall provide for additional prosecution for such offenses.
68. No law shall be made restricting the amount of monies spent on political campaigns.
69. Any person who shall have attempted to deny a person a vote or attempted to coerce a vote through force shall be put to death.
70. Any person who shall have attempted to interfere with a ballot box, a polling place, election officials, or voters shall be put to death.
71. Any person who shall have directly influenced a person to commit any of the previous acts shall be put to death.
72. Lethal may be used against anyone attempting to use force or threat of force to deny the right to vote at a polling place.
73. Each bill shall be read aloud before each house of Congress and the gallery.
74. No person may be stripped of their citizenship except persons who falsely obtained their citizenship.
75. Only citizens may own real property or own any interest in real property.
76. No person who is not a citizen, a lawful immigrant or visitor may possess notes, bills, or any financial instrument of the federal or State governments and any such possessions shall be confiscated.
77. Members of the military or militia may not be placed under foreign control during times of peace or war.
78. No government shall send or allow to be sent by government or private enterprise information about individual persons to any foreign national, government, or organization.
79. No laws, regulation, or rules of a foreign entity, including entered into by treaty or trade, shall be enforceable as law.
80. Treaties shall only be enforceable upon the federal government.
81. The language of the United States is English as defined by the dictionary chosen by the Senate.
82. No employment shall require the use of any other language except English, except by businesses whose primary business is foreign languages, trade or points of entry within the United States.
83. No government may produce or cause to be produced any government publication in any language except English, except for foreign trade or points of entry within the United States.
84. No government may contract for services or products with any foreign national, government, or organization, except for services or products to be obtained and used on foreign soil.
85. Sedition against the United States shall include acts of collusion with foreign nationals or governments to take possession of territories of these United States, to invade with or without the use of force any territory of the United States, to influence any election, to cause harm to any citizen of any State, or to cause or influence acts of war against these United States, and is punishable by death.
86. The federal government has the responsibility to protect the land borders and seas from invasion while each State maintains the right to also protect their borders and seas.
87. Unlawful entry into any State by a foreigner is an invasion of that State and these united States and the people shall retain the right to protect their property from such invasions by whatever means they believe necessary.
88. No person unlawfully in the United States shall enjoy any rights except the right to be prosecuted by trial for criminal offenses, punishment of those offenses, and deportation, and such persons may be treated as hostile foreign invaders by any person.
89. Any person who enters or remains in the United States unlawfully shall be deported and forever denied entry to the United States.
90. The federal government may not own, operate, or control lands outside of the District of Columbia, except for individual buildings used for conducting the business of the United States, military reservations and ports of entry as allowed by the State legislatures, and border areas not to exceed 1 mile inland.
91. No ruling of a foreign government shall have any affect upon the United States or her people nor may it have any consideration in court.
92. No US Citizen may be extradited to a foreign government except upon Grand Jury hearing and only for the crimes of murder, assault, and grand larceny and only to governments whereby punishments fit the crime according to United States law and customs as shall be determined by the Senate and approved by the Grand Jury.
93. All States shall enforce the laws of the land upon which they are subordinate.

94. No conscripture may be imposed for any cause including war.
95. No person who is not a citizen may be a member of the armies but may be a member of the militia as the militia may allow.
96. Upon declaration of war by the Congress, the President shall nominate a general officer from the armed forces who shall be affirmed by simple majority of the Senate present and have authority to wage war without question by civil authority except by Congress who shall maintain authority for funding the war and may revoke the declaration of war at any time.
97. No martial law shall be imposed without a declaration of war and with that war being fought on United States soil.

98. No law or regulation shall be made prohibiting ownership of gold or silver, nor shall any tax be applied to the trade or ownership of gold or silver.
99. All currency shall be backed by physical holdings of gold and silver with the dollar representing one ounce of silver.
100. Congress shall have the only authority to cause payments.
101. Congress shall authorize any expenditure not funded.
102. Congress shall not borrow any money except under declaration of war and only monies directly related to execution of war may be obtained in credit.

Sedition & Treason
103. Any person elected to any office paid for any reason by a foreign interest shall be prosecuted for sedition with the maximum penalty of death and the minimum penalty of removal from office, fined ten times the amount in question, and barred from government office or employment.
104. The government shall not support nor condemn any political candidate and any person who does so as a member of government shall be guilty of sedition with the maximum penalty of death and the minimum penalty of removal from office and barred from government office or employment and fined ten times their annual salary.
105. No person may receive money to pay any fine brought from acts of sedition.

States & Interstate Commerce
106. No State may tax products purchased in another State. No State may tax products brought into the State.
107. No State may tax products brought into the State for sale in the State any more or less than products produced in the State.
108. No State may claim residency of a person or their property for purposes of taxation unless that person resides within the State at least 90 days per year. Proof of residency is the burden of the State.
109. The federal government shall have interstate commerce regulation restricted to issues of taxation and possession.

160 posted on 07/18/2009 1:25:14 PM PDT by CodeToad (If it weren't for physics and law enforcement I'd be unstoppable!)
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To: CodeToad

Non-citizens have been exemplary warriors and no more a security risk than natives for many years, especially in the USMC.

301 posted on 07/18/2009 4:58:38 PM PDT by Mr. Silverback (We're definitely in the Rise of the Empire era, but is Obama Valorum or Palpatine?)
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To: CodeToad

They’ll consider a full auto a weapon of mass destruction as they have a fire rate of a few hundred rounds a minute.

Definitely needs to be more specific.

307 posted on 07/18/2009 5:04:00 PM PDT by wastedyears (The Tree is thirsty and the hogs are hungry.)
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