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To: hometoroost

The main problem is that most of Obama’s supporters would still be behind him even if it were proven that Obama was born on Pluto. (wow, talk about extra points for being a minority!)

After all, they have “empathy”.

22 posted on 07/17/2009 5:56:42 AM PDT by BwanaNdege (Semper Fi)
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To: BwanaNdege
The main problem is that most of Obama’s supporters would still be behind him even if it were proven that Obama was born on Pluto. (wow, talk about extra points for being a minority!)


However, if it is found that Obama was born on Pluto, it means that he won't be allowed to run in the 2012 presidential primaries, and there is nothing his followers can do about it.

1. For instance, as many of us learned during the 2008 presidential campaign, presidential candidates must sign a routine eligibility form in each state where the candidate verifies/declares that he is eligible to run for President of the United States under the laws of the Constitution of the United States.

2. But if it is found that Obama was born on Pluto, then Obama will NOT be allowed to fill out the routine eligibility form, and, again, there is nothing Obama's followers can do about it.

3. NOTE: In a more serious mode, remember that we voters, in most states, have only 1 to 5 days to challenge presidential candidates like Obama when they sign the eligibility/application form.

4. Remember, we can't allow the community organizer-state senator a free pass this second time around in 2012.

5. That is, as soon as Obama signs his eligibility form in a state, we must be there looking over Obama's shoulder in order to publicly and immediately challenge his eligibility to be President of the United States.

444 posted on 07/17/2009 11:41:42 AM PDT by john mirse
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To: BwanaNdege
even if it were proven that Obama was born on Pluto

Wouldn't that make him a ... plutocrat? I'm asking 'cos I thought he already was one.

506 posted on 07/17/2009 3:24:22 PM PDT by mwilli20 (BO. Making communists proud all over the world.)
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