“I’ve talked to experts who voted for McCain who said there is no truth to this claim.”
Excellent! Ask your “experts” what person/persons (name & title please) was responsible for verifying that Sen. Obama was eligible for the office of president and what proof was presented to them.
It seems, as a minimum, that they would be willing to come forward and explain this to us. I anxiously await your reply.
Who was responsible for verifying that the birth certificate made public was a fake?
Berg? Mr. Bush and Cheney were in on 9-11?
I’ve talked to two citizenship and immigration lawyers who are members of the Federalist Society about this and another one here locally.
They’re satisfied, so am I.
So is the Supreme Court.
Now you’ll have to prove they’re all in on your grand conspiracy. The onus is on you not them.
I await your proof. ( Well not really because I know you don’t have any.)