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To: Liz

There should be rewards for those coming forward with documentation or proof that Paulson took money from his CEO buddies to force the tarp on us.

If there is evidence, put him on trial and sentence him to total loss of his assets and send him on an unguarded trip throughout middle America to explain why he did this to America.

52 posted on 07/17/2009 6:49:48 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (Does Zer0 have any friends, who are not criminals, foreign/domestic terrorists, or tax cheats?)
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To: Grampa Dave
There should be rewards for those coming forward with documentated proof that Paulson took kickbacks from his CEO buddies to force TARP on us.....then put him on trial and sentence him to total loss of his assets and send him on an unguarded trip throughout middle America to explain why he did this to America.

E-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t idea.


There's so many other crimes being committed here it's not even funny. Can you say government fraud, multiple conspiracies, kickbacks, tax evasion (all of it to facilitate money laundering)? Conspiracy counts alone might include mail fraud, electronic fraud, and accounting fraud.

L/E might consider:

(a) conspiracy to defraud the IRS, and evade US banking laws,

(b) international money laundering,

(c) conspiracy to commit money laundering, and,

(d) aiding and abetting the preparation of false federal/state income tax returns.

Authorities might examine the company's receipts to falsely verify bogus charitable contributions (kickbacks) and multiple conspiracies and transfers of funds as part of a money-laundering conspiracy.

Government audits might show off-the-books bank accounts that were accessed solely by insiders, and that government-funds were used in various illegal schemes that might have integrated:

(1) money laundering,

(2) tax evasion (stolen money is taxable),

(3) violations of US banking and currency laws,

(4) conspiracy to commit wire fraud,

(5) commercial bribery in various financial schemes,

(6) establishing secret offshore bank accounts outside the purview of the IRS and US banking laws,

(7) fraudulent and casual accounting practices,

(8) non-existent financial oversight,

(9) having a hidden financial interest in companies faking business with the company,

(10) putting phantom employees on the payroll (money laundering).

It's been postulated that co-conspirators were laundering proceeds from TARP, and that money was laundered through Wall Street entities. There's a zillion ways to launder money. TARP monies could have been disguised by re-routing schemes. Companies may have routed the scheme through telephone lines with a maze of complex telecommunications' systems equipped with call-forwarding and voice mail systems, and numerous postal and commercial mail boxes..........and perhaps money-transfer systems that operate in ethnic enclaves and places like NYC's Diamond District.

Investigators may discover numerous falsified official documents. TARP kickbacks could have been disguised through a network of domestic and international bank accounts using counterfeit checks.....opening commercial bank accounts in the name of bogus businesses and wire-transferring and/or depositing gov't checks into those accounts.

Phony checks could have had invalid bank routing numbers, forged endorsements, or been drawn on the proceeds of other counterfeit checks deposited in other bank accounts. Before banks discovered the fraud, the funds might have been transferred out of the accounts……probably offshore----leaving banks unable to recoup their losses.

State and federal tax authorities could have been swindled. In an international scheme with offshore ties, co-conspirators or subsets of them, might have obtained hundreds of taxpayer ID numbers for phantom citizens with worldwide addresses, and used the information to evade US taxes and banking laws.

In a classic fraud, co-conspirators might keep two (or more) sets of books. Methods may have included limited-recourse loans to artificially inflate "asset value," to fraudulently borrow real money based on “assets” that didn’t really exist.

(1) Encouraging the filing of false documents;
(2) Rigging legislation to benefit a special interest.
(3) Forcing taxpayers to underwrite crimes against the state without their knowledge or consent (constitutes the crime of second degree coercion of taxpayers, and should beprosecuted at once);
(4) Not reporting crimes against the state (aiding and abetting).

64 posted on 07/17/2009 8:45:41 AM PDT by Liz (When people fear govt, we have tyranny; when govt fears the people, we have freedom.)
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