Actually...ND Senator Byron Dorgan has been one of the few Dems who is against illegal alien amnesty....Mexican trucks....and bad free trade deals....unlike many GOPers who claim to be “conservative”.
Now, Minny has Al Franken....
“Actually...ND Senator Byron Dorgan has been one of the few Dems who is against illegal alien amnesty....Mexican trucks....and bad free trade deals....unlike many GOPers who claim to be conservative.”
Actually......Byron isn’t liked at all by the NRA - as follows:
In no state of the union is the congressional delegation so far out of step with popular sentiment about gun rights as in North Dakota. Unfortunately, Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan (*D+) is expected to beat Mike Liffrig (A). Dorgan has been getting negative attention for his brief appearances in Michael Moore’s deceptive Fahrenheit 9/11. Although Dorgan did not have editorial control over the movie, his choice to appear in a film by a well-known anti-American enemy of the Second Amendment revealed extremely poor judgment.
Go to to freshen up on old Byron’s voting record. Not on does he hate guns, he loves taxing folks, is BIG on abortion and the list goes on. You can freshen up on his record as every vote he ever cast is right there for God and anyone else to see.