Which makes one wonder why these people give up their children to them.
**Free babysitting.
** Those parents who can not afford to ransom their children from the atheistic Marxist indoctrination camps are under police and court threat to send their children to the government camps ( AKA “public schools”). The “ransom” is the extra costs parents must pay in the form of private tuition and/or homeschool expenses in addition to supporting the atheistic Marxist camps ( AKA “public schools”). By the way there are real bullets in the guns on the hips of those police.
***The government school is a price-fixing monopoly that is giving away tuition-free schooling. If a group of private industries were to do that the CEOs would be quickly prosecuted and imprisoned, but down on the “Animal Farm” government schools live in the farmers house. Private businesses get imprisoned in the barn. By price-fixing the cost of government schooling as tuition-free, this makes it very difficult for private schools to compete. When private schooling is scarce, expensive, unaffordable, or impossible to find, the parent is under police threat to use the atheistic Marxist schools ( AKA “public schools”).
But...The NEA does represent the values of our nation's teachers. ONLY TEACHERS MAKE THE NEA WHAT IT IS!!! Teachers are doing this!! The majority of them!!!
If teachers didn't want it, then the NEA would be different. Parents are not doing it. Legislators are not doing it. ONLY TEACHERS make the NEA what it is!
These are the people who are teaching our nation's children!!!
Same Sex Marriage? I wonder if they serve cookies and milk with that?
( And..Yes, I am shouting! Conservatives are asleep. )