I complained that your idiotic source couldn't even deal with what most consider to be the strongest evidence of common descent.
Your claim was that you had already refuted this argument, although what that had to do with the author not including anything about the subject I am at a loss to explain.
Your claim was that you had already refuted this argument, and I challenged you to...
a) explain why biologists think that ERV’s are evidence of common descent.
b) where they are mistaken.
You have FAILED to do either, as you know less than nothing about the subject and your supposed refutation was embarrassing even for you.
What a laugh, the first time I crossed paths with your Darwin-adled arguments, you brought up ERVs as the supposed best evidence of common descent. I demonstrated that ERVs are better explained by common DESIGN back then, and I have continued to update my argument ever since.
You, on the other hand, continue to cling to the same outdated Temple of Darwin ERV arguments, even though the most recent studies demonstrate that almost the entire genome is functional (not to mention the specific and increasingly largescale functions of ERVs that continue to be identified), thus rendering your dumb-dumb fossil/”junk” ERV arguments moot.
And lets not forget the Temple of Darwin argument that ERVs are ancient remnants of previous exogenous retrovirus infections. Your Evo co-religionists cannot support this, they simply assume it without evidence. The creation argument of course makes much better sense. Namely, that ERVs are conserved because they were likely designed into our genomes at the time of creation to pick up the genetic elements to escape the genome, to become retroviruses that non-randomly insert themselves into genomes to facilitate genetic diversity both within and between species, and perhaps even to provide specific genetic information for organisms to better adapt to particular environments.
OK Dreamer, now it’s your turn. Why don’t you start by describing in YOUR OWN WORDS why ERVs are one of the “strongest arguments” for common descent.