These people are amazing, they can give us an advanced weather report looking a minimum of 10 years into the future.
Reminds me of the people moving into Texas, particularly Central Texas where we sure ‘nough look after our water useage, we’re always in some sort of “dry spell” here. But the newbies become instant water experts, knowing the capacities of the various aquafers, how long they’ll have available water, how to convert you home to enviro-friendly technology, walking PSAs in a word.
They preach to the rest of us from the front porches of their MacMansions with the 20ft. entryways, golf course grass lawns and swimming pools, extolling the virtues of water saver showerheads and low volumn flush toilets, ah yes, thank God they got here in time.
Kinda funny.
You are in Texas.
Central Texas.
It’s going to be hot and dry in the summer time.
About every 50 years there will be an extreme drought
Followed by flooding.