But, if I see anyone on the Fashion Police list post these kind of comments, I will remove them from the list.
And, as keeper of the Fashion Police list, I will remove the list from my home page if things get out of hand.
That's how I can help.
Thank you.
You have been doing a great job with those threads, and I totally wasn't accusing the Fashion Police threads of anything; just making sure we who participate in them are all aware that our posts will be undergoing increased scrutiny.
As I have noted upthread, I like to participate in the objective critiques of Mrs O's present appearance choices because she still has a ways to go and needs the feedback. The image of the U.S. is expressed by the non-verbal behavior of the First Family. Clothing, posture and overall expression of self all play their part. Not the most important part; but more important than many people recognize. I think we have correctly noticed her recently improved leg positions in photos.
For many non-informed citizens, it's still true that "clothes make the man" -- or woman -- in today's telegenic world. And it's the swing voters who decide every election. Therefore, those who make racist commentary completely defeat any learning that may take place on either side.
Thanks, GOP_Lady........critiquing fashion non-sense is very different than racial slurs. It is sad that those comments were up for even a few minutes, I am ashamed that they were posted by any FReeper.
As for the so called “peace” symbol, it is innocent enough here in the states, but on the president’s daughter at a G8 summit in a foreign country? Good grief, the Obama’s have NO sense of propriety whatsoever.
And that pic of MO with her daughter and the monkey sounds......gees. I saw that and turned off the computer without hitting the abuse button. I clearly should have hit abuse when I saw it as even I was offended by that. Next time I will hit abuse in a nonosecond.
I enjoy the fashion threads, but not that day at all. I was shocked.