In the end it all comes down to the voting booth.
Most of the people I know, especially the elderly, registered Republicans men told me after they had voted that they did not vote McCain / Palin because of Palin. They were afraid JM would die in office and then we’d have a woman President.
When I reminded them that all of their ‘young’ life they were led by a woman (their Mother) I was told I was too young to understand, and hell I’m in my 40’s.
I think we’d have been alot better off.
I'd be curious to know if those old guys had any qualms about voting for a black(ish) man instead. I can't imagine that an old white Republican man would shun a woman, but then turn around and vote for a minority. I guess they figured the "black" was the lesser of two evils? Pathetic. I hope they are ashamed of themselves and feel like crap (like the rest of us!), now that they are seeing what their Obama vote has wrought.
And anyway, John McCain will never die. They would have had nothing to worry about in voting for McCain/Palin.
You wrote, “ Most of the people I know, especially the elderly, registered Republicans men told me after they had voted that they did not vote McCain / Palin because of Palin. They were afraid JM would die in office and then wed have a woman President.”
Then, who did they vote for?
Well, these Republicans had to be RINOS. Woman, man, who the hell cares as long as the Pres. is a Conservative. And also I will add that Sarah is much, much more Conservative than McLame.