Sarah’s one of US. Romey isn’t and never has been and never will be.
Deal with it.
“Us” being? Are you saying there’s no way Romney can be a true conservative?
No skin off my nose nor Romney!
Deal with it!:)
“Sarahs one of US. Romey isnt and never has been and never will be. Deal with it.”
At the risk of depressing folks - McCain sure wasn’t one of US, but he got the nomination.
As long as we allow primaries where democrats can pick our candidates, we’ll get loser candidates. GWB lost the popular vote to one of the worst candidates in history, and barely beat the worst in 2004.
I’ve got a Palin bumper sticker on my truck, but I sure wouldn’t count on her beating Mr. Demolite! Not in socialist states like Iowa and NH. And with Obama running, the democrats in South Carolina and Florida will feel free to turn out to support Mitt.