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Date: 7/9/2009 11:02:53 AM



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  • Enforces extremist Wahhabi theological writ in America’s mosques

Established in 1981 by the by the Saudi-funded Muslim Students’ Association of the U.S. and Canada (MSA), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) calls itself the largest Muslim organization on the continent. ISNA was created by MSA with the help of one of Palestinian Islamic Jihad's founding students, Sami Al-Arian.

Today ISNA's annual conventions draw more attendees -- usually over 30,000 -- than any other Muslim gathering in the Western Hemisphere. ISNA’s mission is to function as “an association of Muslim organizations and individuals that provides a common platform for presenting Islam, supporting Muslim communities, developing educational, social and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other religious communities, and civic and service organizations.”

ISNA focuses heavily on providing Wahhabi theological indoctrination materials to a large percentage of the mosques in North America. Many of these mosques were recently built with Saudi money and are required, by their Saudi benefactors, to strictly follow the dictates of Wahhabi imams -- an edict that affects the tone and content of the sermons given in the mosques, the selection of books and periodicals that may be read in mosque libraries or sold in mosque bookshops, and the policies governing the exclusion or suppression of dissenters from the congregations.

Through its affiliate, the North American Islamic Trust -- a Saudi government-backed organization created to fund Islamist enterprises in North America -- the Saudi-subsidized ISNA reportedly holds the mortgages on 50 to 80 percent of all mosques in the U.S. and Canada. Thus the organization can freely exercise ultimate authority over these houses of worship and their teachings.

Writes Kaukab Siddique, the editor of New Trend, an Islamic periodical of extremist views that is nonetheless opposed to Wahhabi domination of American Islam: "ISNA controls most mosques in America and thus also controls who will speak at every Friday prayer, and which literature will be distributed there."

Islam scholar Stephen Schwartz describes ISNA as "one of the chief conduits through which the radical Saudi form of Islam passes into the United States." Adds Schwartz: "Our view is that the number of mosques under Wahhabi control actually totals at least 600 out of the official total of 1,200, while, as noted, Shia community leaders endorse the figure of 80 percent Wahhabi control. But we also offer a number of 4-6,000 mosques overall, including small and diverse congregations of many kinds."

According to Sufi leader Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani’s testimony before a State Department Open Forum on January 7, 1999, extremists have taken over “more than 80 percent of the mosques in the United States ... This means that the ideology of extremism has been spread to 80 percent of the Muslim population, mostly the youth and the new generation.” Kabbani based his statement on his personal investigation of 114 American mosques. “Ninety of them,” he said, “were mostly exposed, and I say exposed, to extreme or radical ideology, based on their speeches, books and board members.” This is largely due to the efforts of ISNA.

According to terrorism expert Steven Emerson, ISNA “is a radical group hiding under a false veneer of moderation”; “convenes annual conferences where Islamist militants have been given a platform to incite violence and promote hatred” (for instance, al Qaeda supporter and PLO official Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi was invited to speak at an ISNA conference); has held fundraisers for terrorists (after Hamas leader Mousa Marzook was arrested and eventually deported in 1997, ISNA raised money for his defense); has condemned the U.S. government’s post-9/11 seizure of Hamas’ and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s financial assets; and publishes a bi-monthly magazine, Islamic Horizons, that “often champions militant Islamist doctrine.”

Adds Emerson: “I think ISNA has been an umbrella, also a promoter of groups that have been involved in terrorism. I am not going to accuse the ISNA of being directly involved in terrorism. I will say ISNA has sponsored extremists, racists, people who call for Jihad against the United States.”

Emerson further reports that "In September 2002, a full year after the 9/11 attacks, speakers at ISNA's annual conference still refused to acknowledge Bin Laden's role in the terrorist attacks."

WTHR, an Indianapolis television station located close to ISNA’s Plainfield, Indiana headquarters, said it had found “about a dozen charities, organizations and individuals under federal scrutiny for possible ties to terrorism that are in some way linked to ISNA.”

In December 2003, U.S. Senators Charles Grassley and Max Baucus of the Senate Committee on Finance listed ISNA as one of 25 American Muslim organizations that “finance terrorism and perpetuate violence.” ISNA is known to have permitted the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (and a number of other Islamic charities with terror connections) to set up booths at its conventions, and in some cases has helped raise money for them.

Upon learning of the arrest of Sami Al-Arian, the University of South Florida computer science professor who eventually would be found guilty of conspiring to fund the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad, ISNA issued a statement criticizing the U.S. government for its prosecution of Al-Arian.

ISNA was named in a May 1991 Muslim Brotherhood document --titled "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" -- as one of the Brotherhood’s likeminded "organizations of our friends" who shared the common goal of destroying America and turning it into a Muslim nation. These "friends" -- which included also the Islamic Circle of North America, Muslim Youth of North America, the Muslim Students Association, the Muslim Arab Youth Association, the Islamic Association for Palestine, the United Association for Studies and Research, and the International Institute of Islamic Thought -- were identified by the Brotherhood as groups that could help teach Muslims "that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands ... so that ... God's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions."

Several organizations are considered constituents of ISNA. These include the Association of Muslim Social Scientists of North America, the Islamic Medical Association of North America, the Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers, the Council of Islamic Schools in North America, the Muslim Students Association of the U.S. and Canada, and Muslim Youth of North America.

ISNA was a signatory to a February 20, 2002 document, composed by C. Clark Kissinger’s revolutionary communist group Refuse & Resist, condemning military tribunals and the detention of immigrants apprehended in connection with post-9/11 terrorism investigations. In ISNA’s estimation, the Patriot Act constitutes an assault on the civil liberties of Muslim Americans and ought to be repealed.

ISNA endorses the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Coalition, which seeks to secure amnesty and civil liberties protections for illegal aliens, and policy reforms that diminish or eliminate restrictions on future immigration.

ISNA chose not to endorse or participate in the May 14, 2005 "Free Muslims March Against Terror," an event whose purpose was to "send a message to the terrorists and extremists that their days are numbered . . . [and to send] a message to the people of the Middle East, the Muslim world and all people who seek freedom, democracy and peaceful coexistence that we support them."

Among ISNA’s more prominent members and affiliates (past and present) are Mohammed Nur AbdullahMuzammil SiddiqiSiraj WahhajIhsan Bagby, Jamal A. BadawiAbdullah Idris Ali, Hadia Mubarak (a former President of the Muslim Students Association who now sits on ISNA's Board of Directors), and Omar J. Siddiqui (the Muslim Youth of North America Chairman who is also a member of the ISNA Board).

ISNA's current President is Ingrid Mattson, professor of Islamic Studies at the Macdonald Center for Islamic Studies, and of Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut.

Also affiliated with ISNA is Abdurahman Alamoudi, who in 1982 founded the Islamic Society of Boston under ISNA’s tax-exempt umbrella.

In July 2006, ISNA Secretary General Sayyid M. Syeed joined Sojourners leader Jim Wallis and National Council of Churches (NCC) General Secretary Robert Edgar in opposing any U.S. military action against Iran’s nuclear weapons program -- instead advocating "direct negotiations" with Tehran. At ISNA's 44th annual convention (held in Rosemont, Illinois) in August 2007, NCC's Interfaith Relations office sponsored an Ecumenical Study Seminar for “reflecting and learning together.”

In the summer 2007 Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) trial (which looked into evidence of HLF's fundraising on behalf of Hamas), the U.S. government released a list of approximately 300 of HLF's "unindicted co-conspirators" and "joint venturers." Among the unindicted co-conspirators were groups such as ISNA, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Hamas, INFOCOM, the Islamic Association for Palestine, the Muslim Arab Youth Association, the United Association for Studies and Research, and the North American Islamic Trust. The list also included many individuals affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and/or Hamas. Among these were Omar Ahmad, Abdurahman Alamoudi, Yousef al-Qaradawi, Abdallah Azzam, Jamal Badawi, Mohammad Jaghlit, Mousa Abu Marzook, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, and Ahmed Yassin.

According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, an 86-page report issued by the office of U.S. Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) states that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has conducted outreach work with ISNA. Most notably, in September 2007 DOJ co-sponsored ISNA's national convention -- with American taxpayer dollars.

Date: 7/9/2009 11:05:31 AM




  • President of the Islamic Society of North America

Ingrid Mattson is the President of the Islamic Society of North America’s (ISNA) United States office. She is also a professor at the MacDonald Center for Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, where she serves as Director of Islamic Chaplaincy.

Mattson was born in 1963 in Ontario, Canada, to Roman Catholic parents. She abandoned her Christian faith as a teenager. In the 1980s she attended the University of Waterloo, Ontario, where she studied philosophy. There she befriended a group of Muslims and converted to Islam.

Following her graduation in 1987, Mattson relocated to Pakistan, where she worked with Afghan refugee women. In 1995 she served as an advisor to the Afghan delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. In 1999 she earned her Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Chicago.

In a talk she delivered at a 2000 ISNA Conference in Canada, Mattson lauded the work of Islamic revivalist and jihadist Maulana Abul A'la Maududi, an author who had written, approvingly, in his 1980 book Jihad in Islam

“Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam regardless of the country or the Nation which rules it … Islam does not intend to confine this revolution to a single State or a few countries; the aim of Islam is to bring about a universal revolution.”

In 2001 Mattson was elected Vice President of ISNA; five years later she was elected President.

At an October 2001 open forum sponsored by CNN, Mattson was asked by a participant to comment on Wahhabism, an extreme, intolerant form of Islam with myriad ties to Saudi Arabia and Islamic terrorism. Mattson responded

“No, it’s not true to characterize Wahhabism that way. This is not a sect. It is the name of a reform movement that began 200 years ago to rid Islamic societies of cultural practices and rigid interpretation that had acquired over the centuries. It really was analogous to the European Protestant Reformation…. [T]he Saudi scholars who are Wahhabi have denounced terrorism and denounced in particular the acts of September 11.”

In 2002 Mattson authored a chapter, titled “Stopping Oppression: an Islamic Obligation,” in the book September 11: Religious Perspectives on the Causes and Consequences. She wrote

“… Muslims perceive that Israeli aggression against Palestinians continues without American sanction; indeed, enormous financial and military support for Israel has continued. It seems that any Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation is termed ‘terrorism,’ and is responded to with overwhelming force. The result is the Palestinians themselves are increasingly showing less restraint in the force they employ to defend their families and lands.”   

Mattson went on to condemn American foreign policy as a force of evil not only in the Middle East, but all over the world:

“The American government has not criticized sufficiently the brutality of the Israeli government, believing that it needs to be ‘supportive’ of the Jewish state. The result is that oppression, left unchecked, can increase to immense proportions, until the oppressed are smothered with hopelessness and rage…. So often we have to tell other Muslims throughout the world, that America is not as bad as it appears. We tell them, ‘These policies (support for oppressive governments, enforcement of sanctions against Iraq, lack of support for Palestinians) contradict the true values of America’ … The critical situation we find ourselves living in today is the result, to a great extent, of allowing injustice and oppression to continue unchecked.” 

In a September 2002 interview with PBS, Mattson stated that she did not see “any difference” between Christian leaders criticizing Islam or al Qaeda on the one hand, and Osama bin Laden citing “Islamic theology to justify violence against Americans” on the other. That is, she believed that the Christians were inciting terrorism in a manner not unlike bin Laden.

At the opening of ISNA’s 43rd annual convention in 2006, Mattson expressed her dismay that the phrase “Islamic terrorism” had gained such wide popular currency. “I’m convinced that it is not only inaccurate, but unhelpful,” Mattson said, suggesting that U.S. officials should simply refer to “terrorism, crime, [or] violence,” with no mention of any religious connection.

Mattson was an Advisory Board member for a 2006-2007 Pew Research Center public opinion survey on the demographics, attitudes, and experiences of Muslim Americans. Among her fellow Board members were: (a) Ihsan Bagby, who is affiliated with the Muslim Alliance of North America, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and the Islamic Society of North America; and (b) Zahid H. Bukhari, Project Director for the Islamic Circle of North America.

In a 2007 interview with the Baltimore Sun, Mattson complained that Americans were unduly judgmental of Muslims generally, and that their fear of Islamic terrorism had been blown out of all proportion: “There’s a prejudgment, a collective judgment of Muslims, and a suspicion that, well, ‘you may appear nice, but we know there are sleeper cells of Americans,’ which of course is not true. There aren’t any sleeper cells.”

Speaking at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in March 2007, Mattson stated: “Right-wing Christians are very risky allies for American Jews, because they [the Christians] are really anti-Semitic. They do not like Jews and [they harbor the] fundamentalist belie[f] that it would be desirable for all Jews to return to Israel.”

Not limiting herself to speaking out exclusively on matters related to religion and international relations, Mattson on occasion has taken up the cause of environmental activism. In 2003, for instance, she was a signatory to a letter titled “Global Warming: An Interfaith Call for Repentance and Renewal,” which specifically blamed the U.S. for the proliferation of global greenhouse emissions and advocated the creation of “a sustainable economy” that might help to heal “earth’s wounds.” Other signers included William Sloane Coffin, Jr., Robert Edgar, and Cora Weiss.

In August 2008 Mattson was a keynote speaker at an interfaith gathering held at the Democratic National Convention.

In addition to her role with ISNA, Mattson serves on the Board of Directors of the Universal School in Bridgeview, Illinois, an institution that has received generous funding from the SAAR Foundation.

She formerly served, along with ISNA’s past President Muzammil Siddiqi, on the Board of Trustees of the North American Islamic Trust, which has had close ties to both the Muslim Brotherhood and the now-defunct Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.


22 posted on 07/09/2009 8:08:10 AM PDT by SJackson (the number-one job facing the middle class...a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S. Jobs)
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To: dennisw; Cachelot; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; Lent; GregB; ..
Middle East and terrorism, occasional political and Jewish issues Ping List. High Volume

If you'd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.


Information on the organization in post 22

23 posted on 07/09/2009 8:10:17 AM PDT by SJackson (the number-one job facing the middle class...a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S. Jobs)
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To: SJackson

Wow....just wow. This president is certainly on a mission to destroy this nation, and joining with others in spreading chaos in the earth.

25 posted on 07/09/2009 8:16:54 AM PDT by anniegetyourgun
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To: SJackson

In plain sight.

Thank you for that. Talk about connecting the dots...

31 posted on 07/09/2009 8:41:08 AM PDT by SueRae
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