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To: skimbell
It is not mentioned in the piece but well to remember that GOP candidates have been successful running for president without holding a current office. Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan come to mind.
99 posted on 07/04/2009 8:10:36 AM PDT by hinckley buzzard
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To: hinckley buzzard
Like to expand on this a bit. Given that the Hildabeast has already decided the Obama regime is doomed ~ and is already an abysmal failure along the lines of the Jimmy Carter wreck ~ it really is necessary for Sarah to GET OUT OF ELECTIVE OFFICE NOW.

As the Hildabeast correctly perceives (and she's not now in elective office), and as Sarah understands, the coming backlash is going to be AGAINST those who are in office and it doesn't matter who it is or what office it is.

Obama's failures here are so bad he's actually leading government, in general, into a situation where it will be perceived, correctly, to be the major impediment and problem in every venue in life.

Slowly even the shubs and zuuls who always vote Democrat in California are coming to the realization that it's the government employees unions, and their captive repesentatives in the legislature, that've bankrupt the state and destroyed the values of their homes.

147 posted on 07/04/2009 9:39:23 AM PDT by muawiyah
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