“She cant win with the vehemence in the press towards her, and the GOP will lose the election again.”
The government run media is going to try to destroy whoever runs against Pres. Obama. That’s why any opposition candidate who wants a chance has to go around the media. So she’ll spend the next 2 years doing speeches, doing everything she can to build a base that isn’t going to listen to the government run media anyway.
True- however, the main stream media has NEVER gone after candidate’s children like they have against Palin- even attackign her child with Down’s Syndrom? That is unconscionable! I’ve not seen this type of vicious attackign by the press before, and unfortunately, IF she runs for Pres, I think the GOP will lose the election because she iwll be so maligned i nthe press that she’ll not even stand a slight chance of winning- You can bet that the MSM wouldn’t be attackign the children of other candidates liek they have been hers because they would never stand for it, but because she’s not a strong vocal person (authority wise), the press just walks all over her knowing they can get away with bloody murder
She’s a good candidate ethics, and conservative values-wise, but she simply doesn’t have the speaking authority she needs to fight back agaisnt the creeps that attack her so vicously, and it’s my beleif that if she is hte last one standing during hte campaign, that the GOP will lose because the MSM will manage to damage her image in the minds of hte public (who have already seemed to have lost hteir minds- votign for the socialist obama KNOWING FULL WELL he was goign to tax the snot out of us and ruin this country financially)
“The government run media is going to try to destroy whoever runs against Pres. Obama. Thats why any opposition candidate who wants a chance has to go around the media. “
Precisely!!! Get this,, at that time, when it is most critical, she will be able to look at the American public who is SO FED UP with corruption in Congress and say, ‘I am NOT an insider’,,people are already looking for that. She will be the IN that we are looknig for! You’ll know it’s a good move when you see a DEM repeating the action in the near future.