Paul Krugman’s opinion piece in Tuesdays edition of the Daily News. Krugman wants to label all that voted against president Obama’s Cap and Trade legislation as acts of treason. I guess that means that those that voted against it and all that support them would be considered acts of treason also. This, makes my blood come to a boil. It was recently reported that a report compiled by EPA analyst Alan Carlin was suppressed by the agency because it would have hurt chances of this legislation from passing. Its bad enough that Krugman cites only those that support the theories of global warming and totally ignores the scores of scientists that dispute the issue. It also laughable that the ever pompous Al Gore makes the bogus claim that the science debate is settled. But when you have an agency of the federal government suppress a report and cite the reason that the analyst is not a scientist but an economist and can’t be considered as authoritative. I mean after all don’t economists take collected data and analyze it to reach a informed conclusion as a means to make a recommendation to decision makers. I guess when it comes to science you can’t trust an economist. Oh, I forgot, isn’t Paul Krugman an economist!
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