My oldest daughter found out very quickly that she could be guaranteed good grades at college in her soft sciences courses like anthropology and sociology, if she threw in terms like *heteronormative*.
How about ‘homonormative’?:)
I once did an independent study for three credit hours, reporting to just such a professor, and chose to compare the caves at Lascaux to a womb, and theorized that the Paleolithic cave art was a paean to Gaia.
Despite her obvious distaste for males, I aced the course, lol. Had no clue her chain was being yanked.
This has already been posted twice:;o=time;q=quick;s=Team%20of%20Researchers%20Blames%20Children%27s%20Films%20for%20Perpetuating%20%22Heteronormativity%22
Sounds like a $100.00 government word.