You go first, 0bama.
Yeah, Obama go first.
Barry on the down low LOL
Infection rates are largely confined to gay and bisexual men. Despite all the shock horrow warnings, HIV has not “leaked” into the heterosexual community in the west in any numbers. Proof once again that the so called sexual revolution wasnt all that revolutionary.
Maybe he wants to track down the source of a dirty needle he shared in his younger days.
That might explain his Michael Jackson physique.
No Hussein, the “epidemic” does NOT affect all Americans. It affects homosexuals and drug users almost exclusively. Anyhow, is this part of your payback to bigtime homosexual donors?
“While its impacts are not evenly spread — infection rates are particularly high among gay and bisexual men, African Americans and Latinos -....”
AIDS be racist.
And given the way ostammer and the rest of the left reason, straight whites should line up for an injection of the disease. Then the playing field will be level.
Damn down-lo brothas