Posted on 06/26/2009 9:30:15 PM PDT by thecodont
Uh oh. Here come the Mitt bashers.
I can’t see how anyone in their right mind would want to run against that dirty bass turd currently in the White House. Why put your family and kids through all that commie garbage from Obama and his band of Nazis.
What a shock. /sarc
I smell a Rat. A Rat named Myth Romney.
Mitt Romney is a major league failure. If he runs, he’s going to get his butt pounded over RomneyCare (the prerunner to ObamaCare).
Romney does not have the advantage Palin does. Watch and learn.
When a candidate who has attracted most of his support from the conservative wing of the Republican suddenly departs the scene and the person with the most favorable conservative Republican support is not considered a possible receipient of the fallen candidate’s support, then whatever is speculated is not intellectually honest.
The PEW Report says that Sarah Palin is currently favored by 80% of conservative Republicans and 73% of all Republicans. I think that many Republicans would like these numbers to go away and vanish but folks it ain’t going to happen. Sarah has ‘It’ whatever that is.
Gravitas, Moxie, Cajones, Ovarian Fortitude, etc.
That’s what she’s got.
Palin/Romney 2012? hmmm
Palin/Ryan 2012?...(yeah)
Palin/Jindal 2012?...(oh yeah)
Let’s just rerun all of them — Romney, Huckabee, Hunter, Giuliani, even Thompson! Hey, they were all such weak tea that they couldn’t even beat the pathetic John McCain...but why not just keep doing the same thing over and over again? I’m sure it will work next time!
Of course Romney benefits. As does anyone who is going to run. One less opponent to slay
Palin/Barbour 2012. Competency with the budget. Competency with handling the Katrina Aftermath.
We bash all liberals equally.
She sure does, and i love “it”.
Besides slick mitt’s many flip-flops and failures as Gov.,
his worst sin was and is trying to tarnish Sarah and by extension McCain (whom I loath).
I like your thinkng!
Palin is great but she’s too radioactive. Jindal ain’t ready for prime time. Sanford just shot his wod! Unless or until some other dark horse candidate steps to the plate Romney’s looking like a pretty good choice to replace the BOZer0.
Palin / Bachmann
Their slogan could be:
It’s time for something different:
American citizens in the White House!
Democrats had the goods on him, and now for good measure shift the focus to a fellow Repub just to muddy the water. And get some follow-on benefit from it as Repubs turn on each other.
Some day I’d like for some of the leading Repubs to make a show of rather ostentatiously publishing their original birth certificates. With a smile. Not pointing any fingers here. Just getting it all out there.
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