Afternoon RBB, ALL...
....not such a good afternoon here in the swamps of Delaware but it’ll pass.
Anyhoo....I gotta rant. It’s about this guy Sanford.
Come on. His story is about as silly as it gets.
I kinda listened to him during that press conference. I heard something about eight year friendships, her leaving her husband maybe, things heating up in the last year, he leaves for Argentina and tells no one where he’s going, he’s got four sons....yada, yada, yada....
GROW UP!’s all nonsense. If you’re married, you’re married. Don’t give me the rest of that nonsense.
What a crock.
Okay, I’m done.
Welcome COMRADE! Sanford is slime,,,,,,,,,Jesse Lee Peterson OTOH ROCKS!
True, and I can’t understand for the life of me why people can’t go through a divorce and then go off with another man/woman after that. At least that way it’s honorable/official and you aren’t going behind someone’s back - same thing goes if you aren’t married... if it’s not working it’s not working but stop the lies.