Reported Cases in Ukraine Double in Two Days
Recombinomics Commentary 14:34
November 4, 2009
478,456 Influenza/ARI
24,003 Hospitalized
60 Ventilators
81 Deaths
The above numbers are from the latest update from Ukraine. The number of infected patients has almost doubled to just under ½ million, compared to the report two days ago (see map). Hospitalized patients also have spiked higher, to 24K from 15K. ICU cases are not listed, but 60 on ventilators are. However, most (37) of those on ventilators are Chernivisti Oblast, but Lviv, which has the most fatalities and cases, has none, suggesting the data is incomplete or there are significant shortages of ventilators. The number of dead has risen to 81, but media reports describe additional fatalities, include those in the Kiev Oblast.
The explosion of cases again raises concerns that the number of fatalities is significantly higher than the 81 listed. Media reports have described an equal number of pneumonia fatalities which were not considered flu related. The basis of these exclusions remains unclear. Similarly, anecdotal reports suggest the number of fatalities is markedly higher than the 81 in the table.
The rapid rise in reported infections, hospitalizations, and deaths in the past few days raise concerns that the virus is transmitting very efficiently. Spikes in cases have been reported throughout the northern hemisphere, but the spike in fatalities and the frequency in hemorrhagic cases in Ukraine have raised concerns.
Earlier media reports suggest that an update by WHO might be issued today and include preliminary analysis of samples sent to Mill Hill in London.
Daily updates on the rapidly evolving situation in Ukraine, including sequence analysis, would be useful.
Another 3 thousand people became ill in Zhytomyr region
One day in the Zhitomir region registered more than 3 thousand new cases the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.
This UNIAN reported in the Directorate of Health of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration.
According to their data, the last day (at 15.00 today) for registered 3377 new cases of influenza and ARI, among them adults - 2054, including 19 pregnant women and 1323 cases among children under the age of 18. 123 hospitalized patients, of which 38 adults (including 3 pregnant women) and 85 children under the age of 18 years. In general, the Zhitomir region of influenza and SARS have already ill 13554 people., Are hospitalized 631 people.
Doctors called on the population of the region to limit the maximum stay in crowded places and avoid contact with patients.
Stop the planet, I want off, DvdMom you’re scarin’ the waddin’ out of me !!!
All are thankful for the prayers.